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Odds On

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Odds On last won the day on June 9 2024

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  1. certainly wasn't the racing or passing being talked about, that is for sure....take out the crashes and it was dire in terms of entertainment.
  2. thought the track was poor again last night, you can see why they pay top dollar for there riders, hardly anything going out of the shale expenditure column!
  3. absolute gash about it being Scott's fault...at Poole you start turning left just about on the starting line or close after, unless you are going for the dirt line then you carry the straight another ten yards or so, Vinnie had gained speed out of bend 4 tried go up the inside for a gap that wasn't clearly there, instead of shutting off and biding his time he nailed Scott. Dress it up as much you like but there's the facts, its not the first time a young lad has made a mistake with over exuberance and certainly won't be the last.
  4. Right now he is raw and fully full of teen spirit!....however he is either going to hurt himself or someone else, last night he made the same mistake three times in the very same place, lifting coming out of bend two. He'll either learn very quickly or someone will teach him the hard way, lets be honest he nailed two riders last night but do that to some seasoned pro's who have a memory like a elephant and he'll be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I like his enthusiasm and careless attitude, just fine tune it a little.
  5. Interesting performances by Max Fricke, different as chalk and cheese over two nights.
  6. Looked like Leicester used all their luck up in the semi final maybe that was their Cup Final, as to speak.
  7. riders cheating isn't anything new, its not so long ago about the smell of certain fuels in the pits and it burning your eyes! I am amazed that some think it doesn't actually go on!
  8. Just to confirm the Poole leg will only go ahead with ten days of no rain, heatwave with temperatures up in the 90's, ten days for the shale to dry out and blow away in the wind, any sign of grip or shale and it will be postponed, will only go ahead until the previous meetings blue groove is showing! On a serious note I'm really looking forward to both legs of this, two evenly matched teams which will hopefully serve up a belter.
  9. No problem at all with female presenters in sport, in fact i quite enjoy a number of them who have "history" within that sport, cricket and football are examples that straight away spring to mind, they can adlib and fill in those awkward moments with constructive input. The difference in speedway the person involved with the pit interviews has no history within it which thus means she doesn't have that rapport with the riders, some of the best female presenters in the pits have been the likes of Suzi Perry, Charlie Webster, Sophie Blake, Julia Bradbury but they all had that natural gift of knowing what to say at the right time.. I believe most of those ladies went on to greater things outside of speedway, but could be wrong.
  10. So all things considered....all the so called speedway experts on here before tapes up said the track would be a great leveller and it was advantage Leicester....the track was in great nick and the track staff deserve some credit for preparing a decent track, some clubs would of served an absolute ploughed field. Belle Vue wanted it that lot more and its a huge advantage to take to Leicester...always great to watch a top English rider being the best on show, and by quite a distance. Well done the Aces for preparing a decent track and also for the performance on it.
  11. people already moaning about one line and follow the leader, must be Poole or Sheffield fans, home from home and all that!
  12. really hope this is on tonight, thoroughly enjoy the racing from Belle Vue. Any locals have a gut feeling whether it'll be on or off?
  13. Regarding the track....interesting that Jack Holder didn't go looking for the "fence line" , where previously he had excelled from it. Decent meeting purely on the aggregate score and what was at stake, in terms of actual racing/passing it was pretty lack lustre.
  14. Thought I had seen it all in terms of poor professionalism from TV "presenters"....but last night was probably the lowest of the lowest. It is evidently clear that the person doing interviews in the pits is so far out of their depth it is brutal to watch...when a team manger tells you to not interview a rider yet you ignore his advice, you are left with an absolute cringeworthy situation live on air. The same "presenter" has no real rapport with the riders and thus makes poor viewing, the incident with the obvious bad injury to Ben Cook is a example, instead of waffling and digging a bigger hole why not try and use some common sense and leave it to the likes of Scott/Kelvin/Ollie who have been in that position and know what to say and what not to say. Last Monday night when Pickering was revving the guts out of his bike, why would you try and have an interview with him? Thought it was poor last night and in general over the season it has become more and more of the same, how many times have we seen pit interviews that have been interesting and entertaining?...it needs someone from the TV side to have that rapport with the riders, a person the riders respect, something Scott Nicholls does and has with the vast majority of them.
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