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steve roberts

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steve roberts last won the day on September 15 2023

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  • Gender
  • Location
    (Garry) Middleton-on-the-Wolds (once of Oxford)
  • Interests
    Too many to list
  • Team
    Oxford & City 'Rebels' and 'Cheetahs'

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  1. I'm a member of the Karl Fiala Group page but no longer receive notifications and haven't for a while now?
  2. I used to get notifications but no longer?
  3. Sad news...gave so much to the sport. RIP
  4. Bit like those who never thought/believed that points were bought and favours handed out and were shocked by the Sunday People "revelations"...been going on for years since the birth of the sport judging by accounts down the years.
  5. Seem to recall Ivan used a long track short engine during one world final?
  6. Personally I find the modern style of riding unattractive and they all look the same...very little individualism.
  7. Saw him given "demonstration" rides as a fifteen year old at Cowley against another fifteen year old Colin Richardson...Colin won!
  8. I've met Ian a number of times at his "Mouseman" workshop in Kilburn...a real gentleman.
  9. I remember many years ago Len Silver had instructed one of his riders to "fake" an engine failure if he found himself in a certain position during a race because if allowed to finish it would have meant the opposition going sixx points down and therefore in a position to nominate a T/S in the next race. Cheating or tactics? Sure it must have happened on numerous occasions.
  10. If I recall he upset Bob Dugard on one occasion at Arlington when he was the referee and Bob wanted him banned from officiating at future meetings there...and of course Reg once rode for the "Eagles!"
  11. I seem to recall seeing a recent photo of him at a reunion? Remember watching Paul graduate at Arlington and onto Oxford and eventually White City where a badly broken ankle in 1977 curtailed his season. Broke his leg riding for Mildenhall in 1978 and never appeared again if memory serves?
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