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Jonny the spud

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Jonny the spud last won the day on November 2 2021

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    some mornings it’s just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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  1. No referee sets out to do a bad job but when they constantly fall short of the mark in terms of consistency, you have to question if they should be doing the job at all.
  2. It was truly baffling. To the riders ( of both teams), managers, spectators and TV commentators. There’s either a serious lack of talent or maybe a theory of a match fixing / betting scandal
  3. I was only asking because in a serious sport there’d be worries about match fixing and brown envelopes
  4. I’d be embarrassed to win a meeting that way. Let’s hope Turnball retires this season. She’s clearly lost it.
  5. My hotel is 1.6 miles from the track. They had no idea there was speedway nearby.
  6. I’ve driven up from north London for tonight’s meeting, en route not one panel / poster / banner advertising the speedway. I checked into my hotel which is 5 minutes from the track , mentioned where I was going to the receptionist … not a flicker of recognition. They make it hard on themselves huh ?
  7. I love the way British speedway more or less shuts down in the Summer as they are worried that crowds will be low… then reschedule for October when it’s so cold only 4 men and a dog show up and it gets called off at heat 10. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
  8. It may have looked rideable but I was told it was really badly cut up by the end ( it looked f**ked were the exact words used) so carrying on probably wasn’t an option.
  9. After last Sundays crash in Poland which affected his meeting in Hungary on Monday… yeah … it’s completely over your head. and yes … France is lovely
  10. Isn’t this the same day as the first round of the SEC ?
  11. I saw this online. It could be a solution for some clubs to add extra seating ?
  12. Hmmmmmm. Adams last meeting at belle vue … British final. I love all these “in the know” people on BSF…
  13. This is my first time on here in about a month. I stopped following the sport in the Uk.
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