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lewy last won the day on January 8

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  1. That's only your opinion,not fact another example is sam hagon so stop talking rubbish.
  2. No surprise, probably starke and a 2 pointer to follow.
  3. I don't do diplomatic as you know just say it as it is.😁
  4. Not correct he was going really well at Plymouth until Lawson put him through the fence at Poole and he was was out with injury.
  5. Ben Trigger and his father are definitely on good terms with the promotion and manager.
  6. All British riders which is a rare thing these days 👏
  7. That's brilliant even Poole fans calling you out,more lies clive tyers.pmsl!
  8. Yes 1 strong reserve would be the way to go.
  9. So assuming paco is back at Edinburgh, I think it leaves 8.44 for 2 reserves,any clues?
  10. Skidder1,SteveLyric2 or clive tyers or whatever name you're hiding behind you really need to grow up,I really do wonder about some of the things you post it's very child like and never funny unless your 8 yrs old or thick. Your last 2 posts are really embarrassing stop now Your just digging a bigger hole. Deary me 🙄
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