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Rob B

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Rob B last won the day on October 14 2022

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About Rob B

  • Birthday 06/13/1978

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  1. Some highlighted modifications : If any part of the dirt deflector system during racing or practice becomes displaced, detached or fails in any way so that the dirt 47 deflector is not fitted in a proper manner, the rider concerned will be immediately disqualified from the heat or practice run. If it happens when the rider is hit by another rider or during any racing incident no disqualification will be applied. The rear end of the wheel adjusters must be covered with either a metal covering or a form of plastic tube. It is illegal for the exposed thread at the end of the adjuster to be visible. The hard rev-limit must be set to 13,500 rpm. A soft limiter is recommended before the hard limit. The SCB allows a 300 rpm tolerance based on the hard rev limit of 13,500 rpm. The SCB Technical Advisor or his appointed team can at any time during the event install a rev counter on the machine, mounted to the frame and connected to the ignition coil/engine or check the maximum engine revolutions with computer/software connected to the digital ignition system. From 2025 homologated silencers for 250cc and 500cc must be dated 2022 or newer. Transponders must be fitted for all Premiership and Championship competitions. It is the riders responsibility to ensure they are charged and fitted. The transponder should be located in the rear pocket of the fork cover. Inflatable APD’s must be inspected 7 years after installation, thereafter annually by the SCB Track Inspectors, to certify that it remains fit for purpose up to a maximum of 10 years. Non-inflatable APD’s will be inspected during the 3 yearly Homologation Inspection. It is compulsory for an SCB or FIM approved random starting system to be fitted and used. Only in extreme weather conditions, a stabliser may be placed on the track to support the tapes. Additionally, a licenced Track Official must 64 have the sole responsibility to remove this device immediately after the start of the race. CQC (Care Quality Commission) registration is recommended for 2025. This will become compulsory as soon as the Government mandate it and the SCB will advise Promotions accordingly. NDT established MA’s are issued when a rider completes 4 NDT meetings, irrespective of whether home or away. To be effective 7 days after the last qualifying meeting. A NDT rider, who is not in a NDT Team Declaration, will be given an Established MA after completing 4 meetings, irrespective of being home or away in any official team competition. Once a rider Guests for a team in a League Play Off Semi Final they cannot guest for ANY OTHER team in any other League Play Off Semi Final or Final a heat result once declared by the Referee cannot be changed NL & NDT A team may include 1 rider who has previously achieved an MA above 4.00 to a maximum of 6.00 (inclusive) in the Championship League (prior to the 2024 season) who is not declared in a Championship or Premiership Team Declaration. If that rider is then declared in a Championship or Premiership Team Declaration the NDL/NDT club will have 28 days to replace that rider from the date of the Championship/Premiership declaration. A National Development League fixture takes priority over a National Development Trophy fixture. A rider can Guest at a track on 2 occasions (in each league NDL and NDT), this must be for 2 different teams. This does not include unattached 3.00 point riders eligible for the NDL/NDT. 014.2 BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL 014.2.1 Ranking List At the conclusion of the previous season, the BSP will compile a Ranking List of eligible riders who have competed in the British Premiership and or British Championship Leagues. A rider’s position on the Ranking List will be determined by their final Premiership League MA. Should a rider have a Championship Average only, then this will be converted by the applicable factor to give a Premiership League equivalent
  2. Ignoring the fact Lidsey had higher away average then Ben Cook, and Zach had higher away average then both of them! Lidsey shown what he can do averaging 8.21 in the playoffs. Once Zach gets dialled in to NSS he will be fine.
  3. What happened to those Oxford fans saying Bewley was going there,
  4. the seats will still be available whether they go on sale in October or January etc. Money better earning interest in your bank account rather then theirs.
  5. Happy with that top 4, best qualifiers for few years.
  6. Read this driving down to Leicester yesterday, had a laugh as although thought we would do it on aggregate, thought no chance of winning on the night. But you were right.
  7. I’ve been to Leicester about 12 times and it’s the same every time I been here. Yet when not here keep reading reports of great racing, think they telling porkies.
  8. Morris messed up as should have been the final as should have been BV v Leicester semi.
  9. You can sign up for Discovery+ then cancel it after 1 month
  10. They say crowds were up slightly this season, when we were there for the 2 Belle Vue fixtures, crowds were not great and I saw quite a lot of Wolverhampton fans too.
  11. Are they putting extra on as they usually big queues for normal league meetings with just 2 windows No weather problems there
  12. The forecast just gets worst and worst for tomorrow, when they going to announce it?
  13. It will be cheaper then SoN as a one night event. SoN was expensive to host for a week as they knew was going to be low crowds first 3 events and had to subsidise it.
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