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Fromafar last won the day on January 24

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  1. Can 2pt riders really pick and choose where they want to ride.They really should be happy to get Team place and just get on with it.IMO
  2. Correct.Think some people just can’t resist having a “ pop” at Poole.
  3. In a 2 -legged match you would expect the Team manager to make changes to get the best result,otherwise fans would be moaning why he didn’t.Any result is possible in a 2 legged match.
  4. Think you have been on the bottle.At least he was honest enough to say he was not enjoying riding and done the correct thing in his mind.
  5. Seemingly got and in their Rugby Branch.
  6. Did he work for them last year though.If not, it was probably part of the deal.
  7. Agree to much fuss about Teams building to limit for the sake of it,it’s the potential that counts.
  8. Quick enough to resign for this season though.
  9. Time to come out of hibernation then and get right behind the lads.
  10. Strangely enough when I was complaining at my local Sorting Office at erratic deliveries ( sometimes not at all)was told the way the envelope was made up it could be the bar coding not being read properly and having to go through the system again.Just Saying.
  11. Think it reflects the general state of the sport when you don’t won’t to put on a local derby,especially given the sparse fixture list over the season.Worky fixtures have generally been reasonable attendances in the past .
  12. Unfortunately the fixture list is just about a copy and paste job.Certainly won’t attract newcomers and probably find a few more losing interest.
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