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  1. Is it Card or Cash at the turnstiles?
  2. lonny29

    Sheffield 2015

    Richard Hall at Reserve around Sheffield could be very Dangerous Personally i would rather see some new Blood in the Sheffield Team like the Australian Talent Sisses or what ever his name is Sheffield need to go back to the days of 99-2002 when Sheffield dominated at home and won the League Twice
  3. lonny29

    Sheffield 2015

    Dunno if this 7 has been done but what about 1.Simon Stead 2.Ashley Birks 3.David Bellego 4.Taylor Poole 5.Ty Proctor 6.Ben Wilson 7Josh Bates Total 42.41 I think would be very hard to beat at home Thoughts people
  4. so what do we think the changes will be then?
  5. lonny29

    Sheffield 2013

    I like the look of this team but cant see it ever happening

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