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Sidney the robin

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Sidney the robin last won the day on September 24 2020

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    Swindon robins

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  1. Sidney the robin

    R.I.P. John Hyam/Gustix/Speedyguy/Jack Keen

    RIP John .
  2. Sidney the robin

    Ipswich v Sheffield play off final 1st leg

    Doing that never works generally and to be fair Riss has improved in the last five weeks .Who would you bring In Available anyway ?
  3. Sidney the robin

    Ipswich v Sheffield play off final 1st leg

    Last night as a team they were not good anough on the night end of .Anyone with half a brain would have been happy with that first leg lead.Forget Danyon do you not think Emil/ Doyley could of taken some of the blame last night? they were under par for there mega ability. No i wouldn’t because they have been outstanding all year. Hume , Rew, Thompson x2 have rode there balls off all year but with a top heavy side this side still did very well you need to get real.
  4. Sidney the robin

    Ipswich v Sheffield play off final 1st leg

    It is so easy Roger maybe you could make a career out of it.
  5. Rew should not be at reserve he should be good anough to cope in a top five.Even at reserve Rew has not pulled up any trees as much as I like him and feel he will improve but he needs to this is a whatered down Elite league.
  6. Sidney the robin

    Ipswich v Sheffield play off final 1st leg

    Roger you know nothing., Etheridge was it Laurie Etheridge you were on about?…….. get real.This year was in a top five Danyon when Rew should have coped all year he was inconsistent and frustrating but won the witches a few matches with vital points and vital points at crucial times.Dunno what planet you are on not easily pleased me thinks.
  7. Sidney the robin

    Ipswich v Sheffield play off final 1st leg

    I do think Roger the track has looked inconsistent in recent weeks.And generally at Foxhall he will Danyon always score points and shock more established apponents.For me Hume,Rew, are two who can improve.
  8. Sidney the robin

    Ipswich v Sheffield play off final 1st leg

    Going back to the match really like Danyon Hume as a person and as a rider.Was so frustrated for him he made loads of mistakes cost him money he gave everything was unlucky .Hopefully next year on a low average he will do a good job for somebody. and improve what i like about Danyon is he can gate and he can mix it as well and race to.He could be a slow burner but he has real qualities can race can gate and be brilliant in front of a camera.
  9. Rew should be riding in the top five in the uk not there yet is he…?
  10. Nobody has actually mentioned it heat 8 Hume replaced by Rew ( was it machinery issues ??? maybe?.Hume had gated well got two 4/2 s got replaced in heat 8 had his third ride another 4.2 gained six points with Hume at number 2.
  11. Sidney the robin

    Gordon Kennett

    World pairs champion with Simmo in 1978 a great achievement to be even picked.
  12. Sidney the robin

    Gordon Kennett

    Puts everything into perspective Norbold it really does Gordon was one of the fittest riders i ever saw ride God bless him RIP Gordon.
  13. Sidney the robin

    Gordon Kennett

    Steve for me Gordon, Kelly, Martin,D ,Boogaloo, Woodsy were the best i see ride at Eastie .But hand on heart ❤ would just edge Gordon in front of Martin and Kelly. Gordon was a terrific servant to speedway and i always wanted Gordon to sign for Swindon the year Stevie B joined in 1981 it never materialised.
  14. Sidney the robin

    Gordon Kennett

    1980 at the Abbey sticks in my mind Gordon scoring a. 21 point max and Kai Niemi scoring 19 pts out of a 46 Eastbourne total.
  15. Sidney the robin

    Gordon Kennett

    A terrific rider and a extremely modest guy RIP Gordon.

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