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    Kings Lynn/Mildenhall

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  1. When we got a Sky Q box, probably 2 years ago, I signed up for that free 12 month deal for Discovery+ However, over 2 years later I still get it for free and have never been asked to pay for it. I was puzzled but thought it was free if you were simply a Sky customer?
  2. Unfortunately to cast to from my mobile to my portable TV in the caravan, both the Mobile and the Chromecast I have plugged in to the back of the TV , have to be on the same Wi-Fi network. Most sites we have been on have rather pathetic Wi Fi, that is usually not fast enough for good streaming so I tend to use the data on my phone to watch. I need to get a portable TV with the Discovery+ app on I think. More expense!
  3. Yes, I just had a look on the Eurosport planner and its not listed, however it is listed on Discover+. That's a pain, as I'm away in my caravan and I would normally record it from Eurosport on my Sky box. However, although I have the Discovery+ app on my Sky box, I can't record from an app. My only other option is to watch it on my mobile live on the Discovery+ app, but its going to be a mighty small screen!
  4. Thanks Petecc. I do have Discovery+ on my SkyQ box and normally watch the GP's on that, so I'll keep an eye out. Its a bit of a trek from Norwich to Birmingham but in my younger days I'd have probably done it. I remember back in the 1970's driving from Norwich to Poole, watching Poole v Kings Lynn, then driving back again the same night after the match in dense fog! Oh the joys of being young and foolish!
  5. Thanks, that makes sense.
  6. I was hoping this meeting would be streamed on Brummies TV, but on their web site it says "No matches scheduled" which is a shame. Could be a close one and I'd love to see how Jan gets on as he experiences different UK tracks?
  7. I thought Discovery+ were originally going to show the SGP4 at 3pm. It now seems to have vanished from their planner, or was I imagining it?
  8. I switched to Eurosport and its OK.
  9. Yep. Lost it on Discovery+ on my Sky box
  10. I'm just south of Norwich and at 4-20pm its tipping down. The heavy rain is heading towards Ipswich and will probably arrive around 5-45pm. Not looking promising for tonight I'm afraid.
  11. If it rains, will we see another "Holdergate" situation? Buster can't sack him this time!
  12. Bunce

    Stars v Brummies 2/5

    They don't, but I think they have missed a trick there. I'm assuming that tracks get a percentage of the income from streaming and I'm sure there are lots of fans of both teams who would pay to watch the stream?
  13. Meeting OFF. Heavy rain, waterlogged track. A new date will be arranged.
  14. I was also at Hackney that night, standing near the starting gate. My memory of the event is a little hazy, but at the time I thought his throttle had stuck open as he appeared to be travelling very fast around the outside when he hit the fence. A terrible thing to happen to a rider and as others have said, with the introduction of air fences, how many major injuries have they saved over the last few years?
  15. That's sad news. Brian and Waggy put together a World class team whilst in charge, and Brian was instumental behind that. My sincere condolences to his family at this time. Brian was a really nice guy.

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