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geoff100 last won the day on October 8 2023

geoff100 had the most liked content!

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1,482 Excellent

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  1. Maybe time to set guest rates against averages !
  2. Makes u wonder why we didnt book him !
  3. We have stopped sending kids to sweep chimneys ,we are due colour tv soon and no longet point at planes in the sky
  4. So with guests this weekend have we given up on getting anyone signed?
  5. geoff100

    Workington 2024

    Luxery coach if u please
  6. geoff100

    Workington 2024

    Am sure before poole on sat
  7. geoff100

    Workington 2024

    Would starke be a gamble?
  8. The quotes"most times" and"assume" dont explain a ref,s decisions.
  9. Am sure was a rule once change announced it had to stick!
  10. Jim exclude an edinburgh rider,come on.
  11. And just when u thought it couldnt get any worse,look who the ref is lol
  12. Lots fly in on monday after sunday in poland sweden tue etc its normal.
  13. U wouldnt have saturdays looto numbers have u as u can predict the future,thousands of people have had there day ruined 2 missing riders is the least of the problems.
  14. That u dont know,the sport is dying as it is without nights like tonight,i wish the juniors well all a good learning curve for them.

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