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Bojangles last won the day on May 18 2023

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    Wembley Lions

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  1. Bojangles

    Middlesbrough vs Oxford - 26th July

    And he certainly didn't disappoint again. What a talent! Championship clubs will be throwing the cheque book at him come the end of June next year.
  2. Looking bleak for Oxford's title chances, but a must-win for the Chargers to keep any slim hopes alive. William Cairns could well be the trump card, especially with Jody Scott, Ashton Vale and Jason Garrad all unavailable. Middlesbrough: Jake Mulford, Kai Ward, Danny Phillips, Jamie Halder, Ben Trigger, Ben Rathbone, William Hocaniuk. Oxford: Luke Killeen, Alex Spooner, Matt Marson, William Cairns, Max Perry, Jacob Clouting, Senna Summers.
  3. Bojangles

    Oxford vs Berwick - Wed 24th July

    Jody Scott out and Connor Coles in as a guest.
  4. Bojangles

    Oxford vs Berwick - Wed 24th July

    It's surely not going to be as easy as some people think. With Ashton Boughen in the main body of the team, you'd have to say Drew Kemp and Leon Flint are a stronger 3/4 pairing than Boughen and Jenkins. Lewis Kerr is always going to get a decent haul of points as well, and Joe Thompson is a pretty strong reserve - especially compared to Killeen and Scott. Oxford clearly stronger at 1 and 5, and Heeps is a bit of a trump card at 2... but it'll be a battle I think. Oxford 51-39.
  5. Bojangles

    Oxford vs Berwick - Wed 24th July

    And neither have the Cheetahs. In fact the only Cheetahs changes since the start of LAST season are the addition of Ashton Boughen and the dropping of Kerr for Killeen (which was due to averages). Strange comment.
  6. Bojangles

    Oxford vs Berwick - Wed 24th July

    No worries, easily done.
  7. Paid maximums for Lewis Kerr and Drew Kemp coming up.... Oxford Cheetahs: 1. Sam Masters, 2. Cameron Heeps, 3. Ashton Boughen, 4. Jordan Jenkins, 5. Scott Nicholls, 6. Luke Killeen, 7. Jody Scott. Berwick Bandits: 1. Lewis Kerr, 2. Danyon Hume, 3. Drew Kemp, 4. Leon Flint, 5. Jye Etheridge, 6. Freddy Hodder, 7. Joe Thompson.
  8. Bojangles

    Aces v Oxford

    Great result for the Oxford management.
  9. Bojangles

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Yeah, that was my point. Awful decision. We've now got the same reserve pairing in the Premiership that we started with in the Championship.
  10. Bojangles

    Oxford Spires 2024

    ...... or Lewis Kerr.
  11. 1. What you're saying is not irony (look it up). 2. Correct, you can spell it how you want, it's your right. However, that doesn't detract from the fact you still spelt it wrong - and that is ironic considering the word in question. 3. No amount of claiming you can spell something however you want saves you from the misuse of an apostrophe. 4. The correct spelling of 'thicko' is in the Collins English Dictionary, the Cambridge Dictionary, etc., etc. etc.
  12. Bojangles

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Agreed. Although it's not really a few meetings....it's seven meetings, and that's if we don't make the playoffs (which I honestly can't see happening now).
  13. Bojangles

    Oxford v Aces

    Oxford are streaming it.... https://livestream.oxfordspeedway.club/
  14. The irony of spelling 'thicko' incorrectly. The double irony of the incorrect apostrophe.
  15. Bojangles

    Oxford Cheetahs 2024

    Or maybe they just enjoy it?

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