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ragdoll64 last won the day on October 28 2023

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  1. No, you’re quite correct, it IS Glasgow we’re talking about…….no apparently about it.
  2. ragdoll64

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    In my opinion we’re witnessing the best speedway ever seen on a Glasgow track…… but what could be regular fantastic enjoyment is being totally spoiled by these outrageous sporadic fixtures. It really must be having an effect on attendances and needs to be addressed for next year.
  3. WOW!!!……Yes, there’s always been booing and pantomime villains and I’ve been happy to be part of it…….but it was the unwarranted blinkered and aggressive reactions from some newbies I was alluding to. Didn’t mean to upset you……lol
  4. Yeah, and Hagon getting booed on every appearance from then on. It would be really interesting to see what the reaction would have been if Hagon had been guesting for us and a similar incident had occurred. Some really blinkered, one sided supporters going about these days. As Paulco says, football type fans.
  5. Personally, I didn’t think Hagon did anything wrong and the correct decision was made. He was holding a tight line and I felt Pijper leant heavily on to him. Just my opinion……
  6. Wow……and I thought that was just JP having some practice laps. I’m excited now…..
  7. I can’t remember what he said but at the time I momentarily wondered…..did Michael Max just hint something about Riss? I could have picked it up wrongly though.
  8. It’s not just that he isn’t going to pass that’s annoying …….he doesn’t even make up any ground when behind. Yet, when he’s in front, he can stretch out a lead. Frustrating to watch but as said, can bang in important points.
  9. ragdoll64

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    Watching the “big” riders doesn’t necessarily mean entertainment in my opinion as can be seen by some of the crap we sometimes witness on Eurosport. Last Sunday’s under 21 final proved that Ashfield can produce fantastic racing without the need for big names. I’ve never been a fan of leaving the championship due to the possible pitfalls you’ve mentioned.
  10. ragdoll64

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    Not the slightest hint that the management are pondering options. Is it really an early exit for us on the back of a championship win?
  11. ragdoll64

    Redcar 2024

    Thank God for that…….lol
  12. ragdoll64

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    I really thought Zischke would have been on Glasgow’s radar over the winter. He was certainly on my personal team building list.
  13. ragdoll64

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    Bet he understands the track when he comes calling with Poole………lol. I’d gladly have kept him this year……and was it not due to the fact that initially he intimated he might not do the Championship that he wasn’t signed?
  14. ragdoll64

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    I’d assume the likes of Keynan Rew is too tied up in foreign leagues? I see he’s on a 4.00 average in the Prem. Don’t know what the current conversion is.
  15. ragdoll64

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    Tough one…..

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