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father jack

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About father jack

  • Birthday 07/14/1958

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    Craggy Island

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  1. father jack

    Norwich Speedway

    I stumbled across this http://www.eafa.org.uk/catalogue/212340 hope all the Ex Stars fans enjoy
  2. G the Bee -'Of course, Newport is the meeting's rightful place. However, when Poole took the meeting over for a year they raised the bar, both in terms of rider quality and the numbers of riders taking part. That level has never been maintained in my opinion.' Poole are an Elite Leauge club, Newport a Premier Leauge club I would imagine that Poole would have a bigger budget available for rider quality.
  3. Whilst I agree 100% that there should be a memorial meeting for Streety, this is not the one. Many Austalians would want to ride in the meeting and as the NYC falls in Australian season most will be unable to compete.
  4. Carefull SCB you will upset Schovlar
  5. father jack

    Farewell Newport Hornets

    With the financal situation a lot of people including myself could only afford one meeting a week, two is just too expensive, I'm sorry I just couldn't afford it a lot of the time.
  6. father jack

    The Provincal Leauge Ko Cup

    In 1964 Newport Wasps won the Provincal Leauge KO Cup. They were unable to defend the trophy because of the formation of the British Leauge in 1965. This begs the question where is that Throphy ?
  7. father jack

    Weymouth V Newport

    Newport put together a winning team within the rules despite having five riders unavailable, they are in with a chance of winning the National League trophy - do you expect them to throw it away ? When the Late Tim Stone put out weak Newport Maverick sides he was slated by everybody for fielding a team full of training school kids, now when Newport want to win they are slated by the likes of you. Theres some just like having a pop no matter what Newport do.
  8. father jack

    Weymouth V Newport

    I make it 5 of the team unavailable :- Todd Kurtz - riding for the Wasps at Kings Lynn Tony Atkin - injured Tim Webster - injured Tom Young - injured James Whyte Williams - injured. I'd hate to have to pay Mainman's phone bill this week.
  9. father jack

    Newport Vs Glasgow

    Bill this was an important meeting for Newport Speedway, clearly the management wanted to give it every chance of going ahead. Had the rain stopped they could have had a raceable track within an hour or so. Call off a meeting early and it clears up then the management get slammed, as happened with the late Tim Stone a few times, call it off to late the management get slammed ! Its a no win situation.
  10. father jack

    Newport Vs Glasgow

    Read this wonderful article Dave Gifford wrote http://www.speedwayplus.co.uk/ Thank you Dave great stuff
  11. father jack

    Newport Vs Glasgow

    Very sad news about Toby, one of the Greatest riders ever to wear the Wasps Racejacket
  12. father jack

    Newport Vs Glasgow

    http://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/sport/speedway/8339501.Light_entertainment_at_Queensway_Meadows/ The lights look impressive if the photo is anything to go by
  13. father jack

    Newport V Weymouth Nl

    Any more news on the score for this one ?
  14. father jack

    Newport Hornets ~ V ~ Buxton Hitmen

    Any news on the score ? Stuck in work
  15. father jack

    Americans Back In The Fall (autumn)

    Thanks for the reply Steve, it's a pity the dates didn't coincide. Maybe Newport could stage a special meeting involving the Americans based here ? A four team event perhaps, GB v Australia V Sweden V USA at PL level

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