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  1. keepturningleft

    British Final 2024

    Does anyone know if tickets will be on sale on the day?
  2. keepturningleft

    Belle Vue v Ipswich 22nd April

    Your'e absolutely right. It's time this track was shut down and the stadium demolished. All major meetings in this country now to be held at Plymouth.
  3. keepturningleft

    Brummies 2024...

    Perhaps there's something wrong with me but in my peak days of watching speedway - at Halifax in the late 60's and in the 70's - I attended religiously whether the team won or lost. It was entertainment, it was exciting and it was a way of life. Deciding not to attend because your team is losing is like stopping going to the cinema just because you happened to see three bad films on the trot.
  4. Re the Celina issue - nothing new under the sun - the 1970 Internationale at Wimbledon featured, for the first time in British speedway, a Japanese rider Jimmy Ogisu ahead of more worthy riders purely because of the novelty aspect. He wasn't expected to make much of an impression and didn't, scoring just a single point. I'm not suggesting that Celina is a novelty but you get my drift. I wish Celina well and hopes she bags a good few points.
  5. keepturningleft

    The Footage Detectives

    Agreed. the best channel on TV.
  6. keepturningleft

    The Footage Detectives

    Item on speedway on this programme today.
  7. keepturningleft

    Brandon Update

    Outstanding article from Oliver Holt.
  8. The powers that be must take some action against Woffinden - he must not be allowed to get away with what he said to a packed stadium that included many youngsters. From the John McEnroe school of yob behaviour, this fading nonentity is desperately trying to keep himself relevant by being controversial. At 33 and clearly being now being quite accident prone, his career at the top is finished. I remember him a few years ago when standing of the podium spitting, as a National anthem was being played. Can you imagine Mauger, Collins, Briggs Nielsen, Gundersen etc doing that? He is an embarrassment to the sport.
  9. keepturningleft

    Torun 2023

    So, BZ wins his 4th title at the age of 28. At the age of 28, Ivan Mauger won his first title! The mind boggle as to what BZ could achieve in the coming years.
  10. When you've watched a few races at the brilliant NSS, it's an absolute shock when the action suddenly switches to Wolverhampton. Whatever happens with any future development, Wolves fans can at least know that almost certainly they will have a better track.
  11. keepturningleft


    I don't think I made my post quite clear enough. I was actually jokingly referring to the the speedway bikes on GP night in the stadium!
  12. keepturningleft


    Will the 20mph speed limit in Cardiff apply to the bikes in the Principality? Well, it will cut down on injuries...
  13. keepturningleft

    British GP Cardiff Saturday 2nd September

    According to James Tosland the attendance was 60,000
  14. keepturningleft

    The Hackney Diamonds

    Cue speedway themed Stones songs! 'Start Me Up' 'It's All Over Now' dedicated (sadly) to Wolves & Peterborough 'Gimme Shelter' when it starts chucking it down at the speedway
  15. keepturningleft

    The Hackney Diamonds

    It looks as if the Rolling Stones are backing a new speedway team - The Hackney Diamonds!

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