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  1. bigcatdiary

    Oxford Spires 2024

    That’s assuming it’s Schroeck making the decisions, he seems about as adept as Ermolenko in the role.
  2. bigcatdiary

    Birmingham v Sheffield - 22nd July

    Track surface was a complete joke, meeting itself apart from the odd race was just gate and go and quite why it wasn’t watered properly is beyond me. Closeness of the meeting was the only thing that kept the interest but Sheffield got the killer blow in heat 12 and it just left the Brummies with an impossible job. They should never have got rid of Zach Cook that’s very clear, Ermolenko clearly hasn’t got a clue and Tolley just looks ridiculous.
  3. bigcatdiary

    Birmingham v Sheffield - 22nd July

    Watering now it appears, trouble is they have lost the track now, needed doing after heat 4
  4. So exactly what rule has been applied inconsistently.
  5. Their would, he is now In Birminghams team.
  6. The rules are controlled by the SCB now (rightly so) so once they are in the rule book that’s what everyone is tied to, Neil Vatcher rules on anything now and does it fairly I am told.
  7. Sedgmen assumes the average of the rider he is replacing (Musielak) so as Klindt is third in the Lynn averages the answer should be no.
  8. bigcatdiary

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    Meetings, 4 league and 1 Koc
  9. bigcatdiary

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    What all 5 of them.
  10. bigcatdiary

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    Exactly Although Lynn have received a boost today as MPT has signed for Birmingham, that great signing for the Brummies should ensure Lynn don’t finish bottom.
  11. bigcatdiary

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    I can assure you Swaffham is as much an interest of Peterborough fans as Kings Lynn is, which isn’t a lot. The only time I have visited Kings Lynn speedway is when the Panthers were the visitors, that goes for Leicester as well, both dire tracks for speedway racing.
  12. bigcatdiary

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    50 years ago it might well have been a problem when we had three times as many tracks operating but at the current time it makes no real sense at all. Until it’s tested we don’t really know.
  13. bigcatdiary

    Speedway of Nations 2024

    To be honest the event promoters should have noted what’s happened to the attendance at the British GP in recent years and why, they clearly haven’t and looking at the attendances this week I cannot see how they balanced the books if the early information about the staging costs is right. The final was excellent entertainment with some exceptional racing and the icing of course was GB winning, shame the weather somewhat ruined the other three meetings but the final was worth the wait.
  14. bigcatdiary

    Speedway of Nations 2024

    Value for money is surely decent racing on a well prepared race track and a reasonable entry price, coupled with good weather and a pleasant and good atmosphere. Cardiff used to supply most of these but in recent years it rips off on tickets, hotels and food which even with a lovely stadium that isn’t weather affected has seen its attendances halved to what it used to get, which is why they have given away so many freebies. Unfortunately Belle Vue don’t have a roof and is adversely affected when it’s wet as seen this week in all three meetings so far which have been dreadful, it’s not hard to see why most people these days watch it on tv, I have watched all the Cardiff GP,s live apart from the last two and don’t anticipate going to a live one again. It just isn’t value for money.

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