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zlata prilba

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    Birmingham Speedway,
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  1. zlata prilba

    Birmingham v Sheffield - 22nd July

    Those flats are still empty btw after 2 years since they been built
  2. zlata prilba

    Birmingham vs King’s Lynn, May 13th 2024

    Suprised this meeting hasn't been rescheduled as Villa are playing at home to Liverpool which is a sell out at home on Monday evening
  3. Wonder if Brum would be able to postpone next Mondays meeting V K Lynn due to the fact that Villa are at home to Liverpool
  4. zlata prilba

    Witches v Brummies 28th March

    There maybe 2 Ambos there but the Doc may have been required to go with the ambo to hospital
  5. zlata prilba

    Brummies 2024...

    Think I'd rather see Worrall in the team than that whinge bag Wright think the only dingle I would have now would be Flint as Becker Masters and Douglas seem to be heading to Leicester
  6. zlata prilba


    Well if the rumour mill is too be believed with Masters Becker and Douglas heading to Leicester it doesn't leave much to wet my appetite from what dregs are left from this seasons dingle team apart from Cook
  7. zlata prilba

    SGP venues for 2024

    Thaught he may have popped up the Rd from the University to Semtin and showed us the Semtex factory.. Anyway the train station been modernised now gradually
  8. Next Sunday I believe the 1st legs will be
  9. Or maybe waiting still to be paid
  10. zlata prilba

    Gorzow GP Saturday 24th June 2023

    I'm sure Monster Energy will make sure he will be in tho unfortunately
  11. Goodness gracious me the camera work is garbage
  12. zlata prilba

    Birmingham Brummies 2023

    Scary thaught that Batchelor is still without a ride
  13. Absolute garbage from Torun tonight apart from Sayfutdinov

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