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mark cox

Cheers Ole for a great track!

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The climax of World Speedway Championship is expected to be a great occasion, watched by the committed and maybe a few new converts, witnessing a fitting climax to a tremendous season of our fantastic sport!

Cheers to Ole for providing a dusty non-watered cycle speedway track for our entertainment!

Not one overtaking in some Norwegian glorified oval shed with no rain guaranteed is a pathetic performance and makes me almost agree with the 'ol farts brigade in their longing for the unpredictability of the old one-off finals.

At least the best man won.

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Not one overtaking in some Norwegian glorified oval shed

Didnt see Crumpy pass Hampel in heat 11(?). What about Nicki passing Crumpy just after Crumpy had won the WC :) or Crumpy going from 1st to 4th in his next ride :D


Take away the battle for 8th, 3rd and 1st nd it was a mind numingly boring meeting, but hey, thats the GP's for you!

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Not one overtaking in some Norwegian glorified oval shed with no rain guaranteed is a pathetic performance and makes me almost agree with the 'ol farts brigade in their longing for the unpredictability of the old one-off finals.

At least the best man won.


Did you never see a one off World final where the track was slick and produced vitually no racing?

If you didn't then I guess you missed quite a few of them!

The beauty of the GP series is that it helps to ensure that the best man does win.

Even though one meeting doesn't provide the best track, there were still 8 others to help decide the title.

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Yes, but the Grand Prix format also really produced a bit of an anti-climax with Crumpie being crowned before he even started that farcical re-run "God knows how many times "race. At one stage I thought that they were going to end it all there by presenting Crumpie with the trophy while sitting on the deck having just "stacked it".


After that you virtually knew that he wasn't going to risk going all out to get into the Final.


While I am glad he won it and agree deep down that this year he deserved it, I cannot agree that the Grand Prix is that much better than the old way of qualifying rounds and a FINAL.


That of course is the personal opinion of someone classified as one of the " 'ol farts brigade" who has enjoyed his speedway since his first meeting at West Ham in 1964, or maybe someone who likes the World Champion decision to go to the last heat ! ! !

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Congrats to Jason, as great as the old man was, Jason did something Phil couldnt.. It is always difficult for the son of a great speedway racer to step out from the shadow..I havent had a chance to watch the meeting yet, but if it was slick, and dusty, it would be another nail in the coffin of this great sport. Being on the sky media stage, this may be our last chance to get a broader audience around the world.. If the track was as slick as it seems by the title of this thread im glad i didnt go, its much easier to turn on and off the television than travel great distances, pay for rental car, hotel, food etc.. When will they learn? But... this isnt meant to denigrate Jasons night... Well done to a worthy champ.. ;)

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Yes have to agree with Mark, this wouldn't have converted any neutrals or quash the 'first out the gate wins' tag, a great shame as all have said before Crumpy deserved it. Maybe the new format will work better next year for a finale?

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the surface looked like Colwyn Bay beach.

The track is narrow enough without laying such rubbish on it

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the surface looked like Colwyn Bay beach.

The track is narrow enough without laying such rubbish on it

I thought you'd have been used to seeing tracks like the one last night Splatty :P


Rico :rolleyes:

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You will always get boring meetings, and last nights was no exception. But, you'd think with the wealth of talent available in preparing a good track at least one of these guys would be available for every GP meeting.


When our sport is on tele, please Ole give the riders a track they can race on and let these guys show the channel flickers we have a fantastic product on offer.

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I thought you'd have been used to seeing tracks like the one last night Splatty 




where could you be talking about?! ;)


nah that one last night at least had some depth for the tyres to grip on to - but I wouldn't have thought sand was the best idea

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Surely next season they could get somebody different to do tracks(?)


Ole was the guy who came up with the 24 rider format and thats probably one of the reasons they had to keep him (?) maybe with a new format we can get a new R.D?

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Until recently. I loved the Grand Prixs. Always great entertainment. The man made tracks gave a different type of excitement. But always lots of passing and excitement.


Recently they've been boring. Reason? Rubbish track preparation.

Sort it Postlethaite. There can be no excuses. The track is more important than the format.

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I can't believe i'm doing this but........in Ole's defence we have started to see some great racing on the temporary tracks this season

My biggest wish is that the tracks can be prepared fairly - no tricking riders between practice and racenight - none of the nonsense such as Danish riders being privvy to the conditions - or in the case of Bydgoszcz the Danes and the Poles - and what was that all about?! Bydgoszcz is perhaps the greatest racers circuit and they took all the dirt off!

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I'm a GP convert. In my mind, anyone who trots out the "it wi' better in ma day wi' t'old one-off finals" line must have cleansed their minds of Pocking, Norden, Vojens, Munich etc. :rolleyes:


But having said that, why Norway is the climax for the series is beyond me. It is quite obviously the least atmospheric venue of all and with a very questionable track. A World Champion should be crowned on a grander stage than this surely? :blink:

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