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Deano last won the day on September 3 2023

Deano had the most liked content!

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1,318 Excellent

About Deano

  • Birthday 05/24/1918

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  1. Deano

    Then and Now

    Forgot about that one! lol. They’ve added another layer of photo’s to the archive fascinating.
  2. Deano

    Then and Now

    Maybe Southampton? https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=16.5&lat=50.91925&lon=-1.40896&layers=9&b=1
  3. Deano

    Then and Now

    New Cross https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=16.5&lat=51.48266&lon=-0.04894&layers=9&b=1
  4. Deano

    Then and Now

    Rye House https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=16.4&lat=51.76943&lon=0.00941&layers=9&b=1
  5. Deano

    Then and Now

    Brandon https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=16.5&lat=52.39320&lon=-1.40161&layers=9&b=1
  6. Deano

    Then and Now

    Dudley Wood https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=16.5&lat=52.47655&lon=-2.08519&layers=9&b=1
  7. Deano

    Then and Now

    Monmore Green https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=16.1&lat=52.57858&lon=-2.10130&layers=9&b=1
  8. Deano

    Then and Now

    Birmingham Speedway 1944/50 and now using the aerial view. It’s a bit blurred but you get the idea. https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=16.4&lat=52.52012&lon=-1.89856&layers=9&b=1
  9. Deano

    Swindon Stadium

    He is playing the none viable card with them too it seems.
  10. Deano

    27 years on

    It will happen. When one person owns and operates the last two remaining clubs, sharing the only rider available.
  11. Deano

    BBC The Apprentice

    I know one of the former contestants from many many years ago. She did tell me that some scenarios edited together, were from different days. Someone behind camera wound her up to get an angry expression, this was edited into another scene to get the impression she had a dislike for some ones idea. The woman I know in real life is completely different to the edited one on this programme.
  12. Deano

    27 years on

    There are still opportunities though. So many sports have disappeared behind pay per view, so much rubbish thrust in our faces on terrestrial, I include obscure live FA cup matches controlling the tv schedule all the time. The six nations might be the the next tournament to disappear as it isn't protected like the Rugby World Cup is. I hate football with a passion there are many tens of millions like me out there.
  13. Deano

    Swindon Stadium

    I get the feeling the Torquay councillor doesn’t believe a word Osborne is saying. Sounds familiar, no one knows where he plans to build anything. https://www.devonlive.com/sport/sport-opinion/torquay-united-stadium-plans-raise-9067493
  14. Deano

    Brummies 2024...

    For all we know, only Milik (out of all the options and negotiations), wanted to join us.
  15. Deano

    Brummies 2024...

    But you are assuming Zagar or Schlein wanted to ride. We don't know the ins and outs of all these discussions, just what eaks out in press releases and what we read on the web.

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