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What The Visa Issues Could Mean For Teams.

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Interesting about Plymouth never having had a licence and Fishers 3 year visa


Rohan Tungate had a 3 year visa but was revoked along with the rest of them....so now needs to reapply like the rest including Fisher.

Edited by 2ndbendbeerhut

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Rohan Tungate had a 3 year visa but was revoked along with the rest of them....so now needs to reapply like the rest.

mason campton had 2 year visa but we know hes been refused on re apllying

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Plymouth have applied 3 times to be a sponsor ! and for one reason or another all 3 times have failed through no fault of there own !


But what do i know! Im sure you all know more than me :t::lol:

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Rohan Tungate had a 3 year visa but was revoked along with the rest of them....so now needs to reapply like the rest including Fisher.

But Rohan has not changed clubs. So he did/does have a 3 year visa. Ryan Fisher changes clubs so he can't possibly have a 3 year visa, as soon as his employment with Coventry (or Peterbourgh) was ended his visa ended - or at least it should have done. But they never did, riders and clubs transferred them, which they should not have done.

This is wrong, We, Plymouth, tried to sign Alex but was rejected on a tier two visa therefore like Doyle and one other ride (forgot name) we applied to get him in on a tier 5 visa !! This got rejected because NO rider should have been allowed in on a tier 5 visa. And the UKVI held there hands up and aploagised for this error. They only noticed this after they had granted The other 2 riders acces and therefore could not reject/reverse them as they were already signed and done but rejected Alexs because they noticed whilst the paperwork was being sorted between themselves and Plymouth. Maybe had Plymouth worked earlier He would have come over and lecister may never have got Doyle.


The BSPA have now hoever appplied to be given a tier 5 visa as a gouverninig body and this should make this hole process alot easier. This in turn will mean clubs will have to apply for tier 5 status for them to grant it to riders. But the first step is for BSPA to get it then the clubs will be allowed it.

I noticed this at the end of the official statment on the SGB website about visas....

Plymouth have applied 3 times to be a sponsor ! and for one reason or another all 3 times have failed through no fault of there own !


But what do i know! Im sure you all know more than me :t::lol:

It seems you don't know what you know...


If Plymouth have never had a sponsor license how the hell did they try and get a visa for Alex Davies?! d'oh!


A good liar remembers his lies.

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So riders with question marks against them (under a 7 ave) However may qualify other ways?










T Kurtz


J Holder



Qualify other way




So out of this bunch theres only Campton and Wethers affected acording to folk on here ???? :mad: . Hows Poole, Douglas, Davies, Manzares getting through the criteria then ??


Shed any light SCB, you know everything else on this planet :rolleyes:

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I'll update a bit, both Sedgeman and Douglas have a top 4 finish in state championships so should be ok:

But still leaves question marks on the others....








T Kurtz


J Holder


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That's absolutely true everything you say but it was a two way street and sometimes you could contradict a contradiction with a contradiction that's why sometimes we got it wrong no excuse but it did happen .All I can say is from this point on it is black and white with a shade of grey


one shade of grey or 50? ;)

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I'll update a bit, both Sedgeman and Douglas have a top 4 finish in state championships so should be ok:
But still leaves question marks on the others....
T Kurtz
J Holder


Kurtz has British parentage and doesn't need a work permit. Proctor averaged over 4 in the EL.


I'd say Poole is certainly in a dodgy position, as is Manzares. The rest could have arguments under appeal or apparently dont need permits

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My take: confirmed in / confirmed out / unconfirmed



I'll update a bit, both Sedgeman and Douglas have a top 4 finish in state championships so should be ok:
But still leaves question marks on the others....
Wethers refused
Henry low average
Manzares low average
Skidmore EU passport?
Poole low average
Proctor 4+ EL
Campton refused
T Kurtz patriality
Smith no 2014 results
J Holder not qualified
Davies no 2014 results



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Geez , Who would have thought a VISA post and a Grammer post would run side by side . Only in speedway, eh

Edited by jenga

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As Workington have now ruled out Campton and Wethers, could they now recall one of their own assets (don't know any from memory) from a loan to another club?

Likewise if Manzares is refused at Ipswich could/would they recall Lanham to fill the gap?

Or Garrity (if he fits) Edited by Shads

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I'll update a bit, both Sedgeman and Douglas have a top 4 finish in state championships so should be ok:
But still leaves question marks on the others....
T Kurtz
J Holder


This unwarranted interference in the affairs of speedway stinks, and the face of anyone who calls himself a speedway fan should be red with anger. Can you imagine the furore if Man Utd were told they couldn't sign the likes of Rafael or Di Maria, or Chelsea's Ramires and Luis were sent packing back to Brazil because (by someone's perverted measure) it was ruled they weren't talented enough to be given preference over English players?

If we shut the doors to our antipodean cousins we cut off a rich vein of talent which has maintained British speedway for decades. I would go as far as to say that speedway in the UK would no longer exist were it not for the thrills, excitement and colour that our friends from down under have brought to our shores. The legendary names of Huxley, Van Praag, Moore, Briggs, Mauger, Young and Airey represent an 80-year legacy of speedway racing at its best. Their names have more recently been joined by those of Crump, Parker, Doolan, Holder, Doyle and Lemon. Who's to say the next generation won't include the likes of Ward, Schlein, Fricke, Sedgmen and Masters.

If we allow some penpusher in Whitehall to determine who's allowed to grace our speedway tracks and who isn't, then we hand over the future of our great and glorious sport to the dead hand of officialdom. The whole situation is ridiculous and laughable, and if speedway stands for it we should all hang our heads in shame. Until the disgraceful and disgusting decision on Campton and Wethers is reversed, I would propose that fans from all Elite, Premier and National League teams withdraw their support and refuse to pass through the turnstiles. Teams should be free to contract with whoever they wish, regardless of nationality and, provided riders have contracts to prove their financial self-sufficiency, UKVI should have no business poking its nose where it's not wanted.

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Fourthbender - so just to be clear, you advocate an open door immigration policy for anyone whi has a job to come to?

And fwiw, football clubs do have to abide by immigration criteria over who they can hire, and the criteria are arguably a lot stricter than speedways.

see as an example how it was far from certain that arsenal would get a work permit for paulista.

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