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2ndbendbeerhut last won the day on December 21 2019

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  1. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    Are those group of teenagers that are getting a free night out really there for the speedway ? or are they there to go someone to be with their mates away from parents? They will happily pay the quid (as would the parents if truth be known) Bigger issue is 16 and under is free. but then once the child gets to over 16 its £21 . thats why you rarely see many "students" at speedway. comparing season tickets Speedway is now more expensive than football in Ipswich... let that sink in
  2. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    Why do why need to be stronger at home though? We won at home by 18 points in the play off final, but still didn't win title... Surely we need to be stronger away? Or do we need to be beating teams by 20+ to help with poor away results?
  3. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    We had Hume for that.... no thanks Oh so another rider in Ellis that WANTS to ride for Ipswich.... wonder of he doing it for his or the fans benefit?
  4. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    It's an Ipswich thread... where you have singled out Doyle for signing for the Witches as it benefits him.. Just like it will benefit the other 6 Witches.. but theres no mention of them? (OK only 1 other has been announced so far) Have you also posted on the other threads saying it will benefit their teams that they have signed 7 riders? Eg The Holders and Woffy grabbing the poor paying publics money at Sheffield. What about Laguta last year using the Stars for the money ( when he wasn't injured/ill/ cba ) Why arent you using Laguta as the example of a "moneygrabber" rather than Doyle who has ridden in the Uk since 2005. Is there any other non English rider who is as loyal to UK speedway as Jason Doyle? But hey its all about his benefit right? Maybe you should go back to the King's Lynn thread where you can talk about the Stars latest team of journeymen and mercenaries ( not Niels of course he's there for the love of Buster)
  5. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    So it's not just Jason Doyle .... its ALL riders but you have singled him out. No different to when Tony Rickardsson left Ipswich for Kings Lynn though or was it?
  6. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    Dont ALL riders Don't ALL riders ride in British speedway to benefit themselves? Just like any other job, you do it to benefit yourself through a wage.
  7. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Brummies 2024...

    Maybe he was asked straightway when Birmingham knew they needed someone.
  8. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Leicester Lions 2024

    How it trailing half a lap behind "some of the best in the world " going to improve them?
  9. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Leicester Lions 2024

    How does the RS scheme work for the Championship?
  10. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    Just like when Tarasenko was an ekstraliga rider but still came over on a 5 ave....
  11. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    Taken from this years rulebook 012.2 TEAM COMPOSITION A Premiership team’s initial declaration must not exceed 39.00 points for the top 6 riders. Rising Star riders will be declared at number 7. A Premiership teams declaration must not exceed 39.00 points in any declaration following the issue of established MA’s for 2023 for 6 riders, (excluding the Rising Star rider). Except where the MA of the introduced rider is equal to, or lower than the rider being replaced. A maximum of two riders declared in a Polish Ekstraliga team are permitted per team.
  12. 2ndbendbeerhut

    Ipswich Witches 2024 serious team predictions

    This year's top 6 for the Witches is 39.16. Take off King and Hume 2.5% reduces that to 38.88. As Cinderella would say... "it fits"
  13. 2ndbendbeerhut


    Emil started the season at no5 so rode with a rising star in heat 4 at the start of the season. Bewley moved to no 5 at end of season

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