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Leicester Lions 2016

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I find it amusing that people are more worried over the centre green presentation than the clear weakest team in the league who ride on a night most 18-30 year olds go out to other places to enjoy the weekend.


Leicester needed a stronger team and moving forward if they want to stay in the Elite League that will move to one fixed race night next season, they should be looking at selling the sport to a wider audience and varied age group.


On my visits to Leicester the crowds were poor and noticed the average age of the crowd was the over forties. Ulamek may be a good rider to back up the top man but here is is the top man and while he and Walasek do well in Poland, they are going to struggle here and remember the track has changed since last season.


Riding on a Saturday gives clashes of dates with a number of Premier League tracks meaning some riders may be unavailable and also prevents signing a rider like Simon Stead who could have been a good signing for the Elite League.


There are a few other things that puts Leicester at a disadvantage like having to park so far away from the stadium and lack of undercover terracing. Add those to what can be an expensive night out and tracking a week team, I feel they really need to look at changing the basics of what the club could be to promote it to a bigger audience at a venue in one of the countries biggest cities.

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I'm not abusing you. I was expressing an 'opinion' and that 'opinion' is that he ignored you anything else is a waste of broadband time. 'Opinion' as you call it works both ways !!!!


Since when has 'tossin off with the other' been an opinion ?


I'll tell you what the problem is you and a few others do nothing but slag him off on here hiding behind you're computer if it causes you so much of a problem have a word to his face or speak to the powers that be n see if you can take over as you are such an expert but you won't because you're a spineless coward


No, he's not. He's stating an opinion. He doesn't like Popple and, in my experience, he's anything but alone.


He's not said he's an expert and I doubt he's claiming to be one. As a paying customer, he is more than entitled to express his view as to anything that goes on at Leicester Speedway.


In fact, your attitude is pretty much typical as to what you get if you are critical to a member of a promotion or their staff - hostility, aggression and abuse, when in fact his view should be listened to at the very least. One of the principle reasons why speedway is on its knees is because promotions - and their apologists - treat fans with such contempt.


I find it quite entertaining that LionKing has now become an expert on centre green presentation and has tried to pass on some tips to Mr Popple who I must add does make a few blunders and gets confused.


I have an idea LionKing why don't you and Mr P swap positions for the Sheffield meeting he can go up to the box and do the incident recording and you can show all the fans how you think it should be done out on the centre green.


The oldest excuse in the book and the most valueless. Heard it dozens of times about presenters, promoters and riders and its not worth a light.


I don't doubt he (and I would be the same) would admit that he'd make a crap presenter. Then again, we're not claiming to be one.


As I have said before, as a paying customer he has every right to be critical.

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I would of thought , in my humble opinion, that a basic requirement of the man with the microphone in his hand would be to at least get the names of the riders right, along with the gate potions they should be in and the correct heats at the correct time. A basic knowledge of Speedway would also be a benefit.


But, I could be wrong.

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Halifax tiger he's not a paying customer he's the incident recorder so part of the same team



Airing your dirty laundry in public never makes for good PR does it?


Bet the promoters are impressed...!😯

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Until DH gets to a point where he is going to spend some serious money on the infastructure in and around the track and more so to pay to get in some bigger named riders, then the Lions will always be the poor relative of the EL.

He is still trying to run an EL team with the same sort of outlay he had when they where in the PL.

Be far better if he could actually get someone that has a true interest in the sport to buy the club, can't see that happening either.

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.....T.N.T..............There are a few other things that puts Leicester at a disadvantage like having to park so far away from the stadium and lack of undercover terracing.


I agree about having to park so far away from the stadium but not about the undercover terracing as there is a big stand on the back straight as well as the 2 grandstands near the start line. Perhaps not so 'grand' as they were supposed to be temporary but they're still undercover so in total I don't think Leicester have much less than anywhere else.

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With pleasure i would do a popple's role for a night lets be honest it would be an improvement if i just managed to get the riders names right & in the correct races.

I don't see how anyone can defend him on that front . Maybe next season the club could makes some money on him by running a sweepstake on which race he makes his first mistake in or how long before he falls out with someone because he can't get his own way.

I find it quite entertaining that LionKing has now become an expert on centre green presentation and has tried to pass on some tips to Mr Popple who I must add does make a few blunders and gets confused.


I have an idea LionKing why don't you and Mr P swap positions for the Sheffield meeting he can go up to the box and do the incident recording and you can show all the fans how you think it should be done out on the centre green.

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Airing your dirty laundry in public never makes for good PR does it?


Bet the promoters are impressed...!😯

Are you new to Leicester threads !!!


Maybe we should do a quick overview of Leicester threads for anyone new or visiting for the 1st time

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Are you new to Leicester threads !!!


Maybe we should do a quick overview of Leicester threads for anyone new or visiting for the 1st time

I would aliken Posting anything other than happy clapper on a leicester thread. to treading on a landmine

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I would of thought , in my humble opinion, that a basic requirement of the man with the microphone in his hand would be to at least get the names of the riders right, along with the gate potions they should be in and the correct heats at the correct time. A basic knowledge of Speedway would also be a benefit.


But, I could be wrong.


I'd say basic knowledge of speedway comes first. Odd mistakes can be forgiven, but knowing nothing about the sport cannot.


The worst is that the presenter gives the impression that he is the star of the show. I'm pretty sure that none of them do, but nevertheless they can come across that way.


In my opinion, Chris Popple falls into that trap.


I am genuinely surprised that Isle of Wight have engaged him when they have excellent presenters like Bryn Williams and (if available) Tim Helm on their doorstep.

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Until DH gets to a point where he is going to spend some serious money on the infastructure in and around the track and more so to pay to get in some bigger named riders, then the Lions will always be the poor relative of the EL.

He is still trying to run an EL team with the same sort of outlay he had when they where in the PL.

Be far better if he could actually get someone that has a true interest in the sport to buy the club, can't see that happening either.

You keep talking about DH needing to spend money, whether it is on riders or on the stadium and facilities.

Do you think he has such money at his disposal, then? Do you have insider information about this?

If not, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts about how he can go about raising this money, and the amount you think will be needed.

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You keep talking about DH needing to spend money, whether it is on riders or on the stadium and facilities.

Do you think he has such money at his disposal, then? Do you have insider information about this?

If not, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts about how he can go about raising this money, and the amount you think will be needed.

There have been far to many false promises, the last couple of years, last year he was going to get a team together to make all the Lions fans proud of and hopefully be up there in the top 4, it didn't happen. Lat closed season was going to see new grandstands and riders changing rooms and showers built, it didn't happen either, there has been no main sponser since Rapid left, that can't help with the funding either, so what he has now, is just enough to get a team together with no real class in there. Not sure what the average age of the team is if you take Simonez and the 2 reserves out of the eqation.

I know that this is the worst EL we have ever seen, but it has to be seen that there is just not enough in the Piggy bank to bring in a top rider, what with the crowd levels falling off last year, the gate reciepts must have been well down,

If the Lions fail to produce the goods after 6 or more meetings, it could get even worse, maybe a few more will come back at the start of the season to see if it does improve the racing, but the fans will soon lose heart if the Lions are sitting at the bottom of the table for long.

I do hope it does work out, something needs to be done to bring back a big name sponser, a club just can't get by, from gate money alone. I would hate to see the Lions disappear off the speedway scene again, because so much hard work was put into getting it back again, it would be a big disshouner to all those people to lose it again.

The Lions where doing well in the PL. But thier venture into the top flight has not worked as it.

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Well that is very disappointing to say the least .


IOW fans will soon get fed up of him but if not do us all a favour & keep him .


I recieved an e mail from DH today asking for my ideas on how to improve the running & experience on matchdays.


Among other ideas i will recommend the removal of Popple who drags the experince down. If people want to see a clown who likes to be centre of attention then they go to a circus they should have one forced upon them at a speedway meeting

Chris Popple will continue to present at Leicester in 2016 according to this piece on the Isle of Wight web-site:



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I haven't had an email yet but I'm sure one will be following shortly. :wink: My suggestions would be less track grading and no damn sun breaks. What are my chances? :lol:

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