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Coventry 2016

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The reason Hortonhad is moan about Matt in the Star is because Coventry wanted to sign Bjarne and a deal was being done. It looks like Watt's performances didnt i prove so Matt decided Bjarne to replace Davey, scuppering Hortons deal and leading to him making the comments in the Star.


watt then is the sacrificial lamb..no doubt he will be back at poole next season on a very handy 5 point average :icon_smile_clown:

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Still trying to make yourself look good then... :nono:

Far easier to do it with herself than you, to be fair :party:

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Didnt think Sundström average was that high! Plenty of options just need one to want to do it!

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I have just read that Stuart Robson is stepping in for Kyle Newman who is in hospital, this is not a dig at Poole it's just a question of how can they have him at reserve. I paid hard earned money to go to the wolves meeting when we were missing Sarjeant and he was replaced by Martin Knuckley. I am still sure we haven't heard why we did, who was asked? The reserves draft has been totally messed up, nobody will admit it and they have a huge mess with higher paid riders now earning big points and lower paid riders earning nothing and getting 3 rides, then back down to reserve and the cycle goes on.

The 15 heats of speedway just get in the way of all the crazy rules, promoters trying to play the stupid rules, incompetent people making the rules. I really don't give a crap anymore, but don't mug the paying customer off. Without us there is no professional sport in this country, the fans are not happy with the current set up and rules and numbers will continue to drop until its financial ruin for many clubs. Friday showed how mugged off people with the sport. Coventry vs Poole has for the past 10 yrs been the meeting not to miss, yes it was a good meeting but it didn't have that something that has made it what it is over the years and the crowd was so poor.

I have said before the win at all cost mentality only goes on for so long, there is far too much choice in sport/leisure these days. They move forward we go backwards. Integrity is a word lost in the sport and fans are voting with their feet.

Why go to elite league speedway to see the weakest department have the biggest say on how a meeting sways. Never in my favourite era of the late 80's would I have been looking at David Clarke and Andy Hackett to win us meetings, they scored 3 or 4 points each on average and they did what it said on the tin. Reserves !!

No! No! No!


Four riders in a race going around a Speedway track....


That is what's important, loads of people say so...


Dont worry about the politics of the sport just enjoy the racing...


These rules dont keep any fan away or make those who still go become more and more disillusioned with the sport till ultimately they give up as well....


Us fans should just turn up, pay our money and watch the great spectacle of four riders of any given varying degree of ability, riding around under whatever 'flag of convenience' is appropriate for them on that particular night.....


Lets not try and bring 'integrity' into the sport....


(Probably cost another fiver a night if we did)!


Great Post by the way Coventry Bee, sadly as we know all too well, your views will be echoed by thousands but ignored by the few who run the sport.....

Edited by mikebv
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Didnt think Sundström average was that high! Plenty of options just need one to want to do it!

We may as well sign Brian Yarrow for all the good it will do.

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why zengi, there are better options available surely, his average is rather high


michelsen, sundstrom?

out of them three, Zengi all day long for me.

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nobody mentions Pawlicki why not he's our asset

Id guess he wouldn't do a full season here.

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out of them three, Zengi all day long for me.

I thought his average was too high anyway? :unsure:

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