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Racin Jason 72

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Racin Jason 72 last won the day on August 9

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  1. To blame the away fixtures for cash flow is ridiculous. They have had equal amount of home and away fixtures over the course of a season. Why would anyone invest in a team who only have a year left to run ? That’s not an investment that’s a donation !
  2. Fraser bowes looking for a Scottish based mechanic for the 25 season. Hmmmm
  3. Must be Sheffield definitely won’t be welcome at Ipswich. He won’t ride uk as he has confirmed he is riding in Sweden next year
  4. Bomber at reserve and could have 7 rides. You would also always have a top class reserve regardless with a team that solid. can’t see basso returning. Rob Lyon said he wasn’t answering his phone calls yet the podcast chaps had more luck as he spoke with them
  5. 1 Ben cook 2 Danny king 3 nicolai klint 4 nki 5 jan kvech 6 Chris Harris 7 Dan gilkes 40 pt limit.
  6. I’d like to see a new rule which allows the referee to have a no blame rerun where a incident on the track is a 50/50 then both riders can be put in the rerun unlike now when a rider must be excluded. also every premiership team to run in the NDL with their rising star leading the team.
  7. I knew In march when announced we Ipswich wouldn’t fulfill that commitment
  8. Adam failed two re-assessments before getting the all clear I believe.
  9. I thought the same. It’s incredible that a successful businessman says daft things like that. And blaming bad luck and his riders not performing when he has sanctioned the team signings
  10. They had a 4pt reserve in ostergaard gain a 7 point average at reserve go to number one and got injured and had guest replacement or R/R all season. the seasons either side of that year they were a bottom two side
  11. Great podcast. Apart from the anti Ipswich nonsense !!! But the witches will assist the stars by letting you have one of our heat leaders ….. Danny king You’re welcome.
  12. Sorry you didn’t retain your wooden spoon. I’m sure you will get it back next season with Danny king in your team in 25.
  13. Karma Bet there is a family in Workington looking and laughing
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