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topaz325 last won the day on April 1

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  1. Again Bartoz edging ahead of other riders before the start of the final in the pits, all little things to get the edge. I thought the Dan exclusion was 50/50 , it looked different depending on what camera angle was shown but im sure the ref looked at every angle available to him. Good GP , plenty of passing and two British lads in the top four in the world.
  2. Hotel for manchester booked, two nights £204.00
  3. Still waiting for this weeks Star…
  4. Yes , Neil Collins improved what seemed like an over night sensation on a two or three night southern tour.
  5. Hope Antti does well for belle vue tonight but I’m not sure it’s his type of track . Good luck to Belle vue but I think Sheffield might just get it over the line.
  6. Sad news, remember him riding for Crayford at Workington in the 1970s.
  7. Another one added, soon I will be typing to myself...hello, hello...
  8. Still think Sheffield have one hand on the final , Belle vue realistically needed at least 14 points to take to Sheffield .
  9. Last weeks issue has finally arrived today with five other letters after no post since Tuesday so I’m reading about previews of meetings I’ve been to or watched on tv as I’ve said before not pinegens fault but the distributors ie The mail service .
  10. Is it just me but what was all that about re running the last heat?
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