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  1. Ricky Ashworth highsided,, went over the handlebars and landed on the track... he didn't make direct contact with the fence.
  2. Albert

    Scunny v Redcar

    Some fantastic racing... credit to both teams. Shame about the tapes fiasco though, somewhat ruined a good meeting.. Poor refereeing, shocking. Hope that's the last we see of Seth Perkin at Scunny for a while.
  3. That was some effort from Scunny... smashed it... bring on the Pirates.
  4. Well done Scunny... great all round effort got us over the line. Special mention to Ashton Boughen, great guest performance.
  5. Losing Wrighty after two rides was tough on Redcar, who knows how that may have affected to overall result. That said, great team effort from Scunny,... 3 out of 3, keep it going boys
  6. Albert

    Scunthorpe 2024

    He keeps investing. This year.. a new scoreboard.. new stand.. additional lighting... all out said back pocket. I'm sure he's aware of the PA issues and I'm sure he'll work to put it right.
  7. Totally agree... music was awful. I think Rob did appear on the centre green with mic in hand, perhaps by then the speakers had given up the ghost or perhaps the guy in the control box had gone awol??
  8. Poole Glasgow Redcar ................... Berwick/Scunthorpe/Edinburgh/Oxford/Workington (in no particular order) .................... Plymouth
  9. Albert

    Scunthorpe 2024

    Granted, not the strongest line up..... It's gonna need some riders to up their game, that's for sure. With no Dougie, it just looks like a Scorpions team of yesteryear... But that's what we got, we'll support them whatever... Up the Scorps.
  10. Albert

    Scunthorpe 2024

    Please No.... Happy where we are
  11. Get in you beauties… go scorpions, fully deserved :)
  12. Bomber bringing off Douglas was racing... and fair play to Bomber, he knew it......however, that move by Vissing on Ablitt was wreckless
  13. Great nights entertainment... Scorps just too good tonight. Lovely to see Allen, Ablitt and Kemp hit some form, credit to them. Harris and Basso fantastic for the Tigers... less said about Vissing, that wipe out on Ablitt, naughty!

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