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Mr Blobby

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Mr Blobby last won the day on August 27 2023

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    Edinburgh Monarchs

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  1. Mr Blobby

    Oxford Spires 2024

    The Oxford merry go round continues.
  2. How is it embarrassing we didn’t win by more? If you’re number one is taking 6 rides and on top form scoring 17 and backed up well by batch. The rest just had to finish their races to hit 30. We also lost our number 5 in his first race when well clear. IRR probably scoring less than he would’ve. Imagine going out and having fun on your bike shame on your picko.
  3. Oh dear, so every match that teams are missing riders cause they’re weakened shouldn’t go ahead? So should Workington have postponed when we were there Earlier in the season when we couldn’t get a guest for Pickering or a decent replacement for Lasse? Brain dead.
  4. So you think flying in the day before especially if you’re not riding anywhere on the Thursday isn’t a sensible choice? As flights get cancelled on the daily over the world.
  5. Can also look at it as poor preparation from Vissing and Liebmann who I’m sure neither were riding anywhere yesterday who could’ve flown in then ahead of tonight’s match then.
  6. Genuinely still believe you’ll get the bonus point. Cook and batch will surely be good for about 25 between them. As both will probably have 6 rides each. Then you’re only looking for 5 between the rest.
  7. Didn’t see a cry for the match at Workington to be called off as we were severely weakened without Josh and Lasse.
  8. What other teams would that be cause I highly doubt any team would.
  9. He’s more than welcome to pay for riders travel costs that have already travelled over plus stadium rent along with other costs that have already been put in place for this evening. Celina missing makes no difference anyway, Watson as crazy as it sounds will have more of a chance of scoring, Vissing missing is a big miss.
  10. Mr Blobby

    Leicester v Ipswich July 18th

    Surprised Hagon got all 4 rides.
  11. Holder trying to put the brakes on to try let Brady catch up always a dangerous game. Didn’t pay off on this occasion.
  12. Not very often he does.
  13. Lemon picking Kurtz over Fricke based off Wednesdays meeting in the wet, when the track tonight is the opposite. Lucky if he’s got half a brain cell.
  14. Track a bit patchy out wide few riders but out of shape from it now.
  15. Lemon picking his pals in Kurtz, when he’s got a GP rider in good form sitting on the side lines.

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