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TTT last won the day on April 29

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    Ipswich Witches, Lejonen Gislaved and Motor Lublin

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  1. TTT

    Brummies 2024...

    Guess who's Zach.
  2. From Leszno to Norfolk Musielak will be free. #FreeMusielak
  3. TTT

    Speedway Betting 2024

    Bookies will more than likely clean up on that now with the way Lindgren is going.
  4. Meetings at Brum are a tough watch.
  5. TTT

    Speedway Betting 2024

    Two bets from me tonight. ROHAN TUNGATE OVER 9 (Fully expecting Rohan to take 6 rides so it has to be backed) SHEFFIELD -6 (Birmingham simply can't ride their own track and they're starting to get battered on a regular basis now)
  6. Paco guesting is good news, You'll get 100% from him on a track that he knows instead of getting a half asked effort from Pawlicki on poor equipment.
  7. TTT

    Belle Vue 2024

    I don't know why Paco Castagna hasn't been signed if he fits.
  8. TTT

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Wright must be getting sacked otherwise something financial is going on. Tungate, Janowski, Harris and Boughen aren't going, Riss is bulletproof when it comes to Peter playing favourites so it only leaves Wright.
  9. 100%, Only Brum aren't running on Thursday. I can't see Lindgren, Pawlicki or Lampart guesting, Sedgmen is out with a concussion and you don't need the RS Flint. So it's Brennan & MPT if they're available.
  10. Don't worry Buster will just do what he done last time when he wasn't capable of putting a competitive team on track. Another 2 point deduction incoming.
  11. TTT

    Oxford Spires 2024

    The madness started when Klindt was dropped without being given a chance.
  12. Simon Lambert in for Patryk Wojdylo will happen at some point imo.
  13. TTT

    Leicester v Ipswich July 18th

    Don't think any fan saw that score line coming, Nicholls, King and Ellis were way off it.
  14. That would be a disgraceful move as it'll insult KL fans who want to watch a competitive team.
  15. TTT

    Oxford v Aces

    Must win meeting for the Spires, Need to take advantage of BV missing both reserves. A defeat tonight and the season is over for them imo.

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