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Byker Biker

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    Newcastle Diamonds

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  1. No meetings tonight those locations...
  2. Byker Biker

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    Wrong!!!! Since he left British Speedway behind is more accurate, F all to do with Kings Lynn. At that time the SCB not the BSPA/L refused to let him ride a 500cc motorcycle so Robert et al upped sticks and effed off to Germany. Despite that Robert is fully committed and moreso once he has agreed to race for any club and this is all subject to his ongoing commitments. He gives his word and he keeps it so the diary has to work or he ain't doing a Laguta !!! Please don't speculate on someone/something that you do not fully understand, it really is time someone banged your speculative inconsiderate opinions where they belong.
  3. Byker Biker

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    Just picked this as a random example; TTT Members 1,372 3,797 posts Team:Ipswich Witches, Lejonen Gislaved and Motor Lublin Report post Posted August 24, 2023 (edited) The most blatant average manipulation you'll ever see. Rowe & S. Lambert putting up 26+2 lol. Edited August 24, 2023 by TTT
  4. Artem Laguta wouldn't have turned up!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Byker Biker

    Swindon Stadium

    Include plenty of recycling bin storage and cycle storage across the piece and Clark's yout uncle !
  6. Byker Biker

    Peterborough Panthers 2023

    I agree but in trying to protect his investment they offered him just over 3 months so to get a full season of racing it had to be a compromise outcome. Right or wrong it was his money going down the toilet.
  7. Byker Biker

    Peterborough Panthers 2023

    Had Chapman not gone quietly then Peterborough would have closed a year sooner
  8. Byker Biker

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    The consent of the home federation/governing body (PZM)is required before start permission can be given by the ACU (devolved to SCB) and a certificate of sponsorship is then applied for. The Polish clubs now effectively have a veto by recalling their rider or not sanction start permission. It's very messy but when it works it works well but it's a farce when British riders are recalled for practice or sponsors activity and can't race for their British club the day before a crucial meeting in Poland.
  9. Byker Biker

    King’s Lynn 2024 serious team predictions

    Not quite, the Polish clubs have to agree start permission for their rider and withdraw it when it suits so they simply recall their rider. They did the same with Laguta last year on a match by match basis by issuing sick/injury notes through their track doctor. The game was up when they told KL by telephone that he'd had an injury but didn't tell their Doctor so he put a note out saying he had food poisoning! Disgraceful behaviour but the conspiracy theorists blamed Chapman when in fact he was the victim.
  10. Byker Biker

    Scunthorpe vs Berwick - Championship - 7/6/24

    Last time I was there it was the medical room and static but that may have changed
  11. Byker Biker

    YOUR Hackney

    Eddie Lack?
  12. Byker Biker

    King’s Lynn vs Ipswich - Thurs 23rd May

    It's only just feasible Steve because the gap between the costs in both leagues is partially filled by the tv money so the net losses are not too dissimilar. If you take away some of the egotistical sponsorship and take into account three or four of your riders could be doubling up and demanding Premiership money in the Championship you can see how difficult it is to run successfully in either league. There are still clubs in both leagues trying to buy (win) the league by throwing brewsters at riders so as always there are have's and have nots and in my opinion this is doing more long term harm to the sport than some of Buster's strokes. In fairness to him he can't say "owing to the stadium being unavailable " like others have done so has to be more "creative". He must be thinking every day "when I'm up to my ass in crocodiles I wish I'd never entered the swamp in the first place". As some of us know he was not the architect of King's Lynn entering the Elite League.
  13. Byker Biker

    Peterborough Panthers 2023

    And your hourly dig at him, you've made your point every day for the last 6 - 12 months don't you think it's time to give the rest of us a break?
  14. Of course, this goes back two years now to when Leicester were joining the PL there simply wasn't enough rider resource. Had Wolverhampton not closed and some of the bigger players not come back with Oxford replacing Peterborough it could have been worse this season, look at the struggle Birmingham have had just to build a team. If there is a bad run of injuries across other clubs the outcome will be dire for both leagues. I don't agree with not running but I do agree with his right to make a stand unfortunately he won't enjoy the support of his colleagues in the BSPL

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