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tellboy last won the day on July 16

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About tellboy

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    Kings Lynn Stars
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    King's Lynn Stars

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  1. Would have preferred Lynn to have got Janowski at no1 for the Stars to be honest on his last showing.
  2. tellboy

    Brummies v Aces Monday 29/7

    Well they can't have Fricke.
  3. tellboy

    Brummies 2024...

    Pretty sure it was a rule,but as we know any rule can be over-ruled with"in the best interests"
  4. tellboy

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Maybe Rew was animated last night due to the fact he had got to grips with the NA for the first time.
  5. tellboy

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    I can't point the finger at Kvech personally,it was the choice of guest/s that lost this match.Unfortunately the choice of guests were very limited and we had to make do.
  6. tellboy

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    There were so many of you there because you expected an easy result.As I said earlier if Klindt and Basso was there,there would have only have been a third of you there as the result could have gone either way.So I reckon at least two thirds were expecting an easy win.As I said Ipswich haven't travelled in numbers like that in 30 years to Lynn.
  7. Better guests,but against a better team so would expect a similar result as last night.
  8. tellboy

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Thought it was a bit more embarrassing for Ipswich that they couldn't at least hit 55 against a team with Kerr and Cook as their heat leaders.No matter what way you dress it up Ipswich and many Lynn fans expected you to get 55+ last night,that's why there were so many of your fans there last night.They knew it was an easy meeting to get the points.I haven't seen that many Ipswich fans there since the 80's/90's.I bet if Basso and Klindt were there you would have seen only a third of what was there last night.
  9. He made his comeback for his Polish club 3 days after Doyle got injured.Doyle injured on the 23rd May,Musielak comeback for his Polish club 26th of May.Don't forget Musielak only got injured 3 weeks before Doyle.So for him to be back riding a few weeks before Doyle got injured he must have had some kind of miracle healing.
  10. tellboy

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    No need to get defensive,I'm not knocking him as he was pretty much the only one available.I think we knew he wouldn't score what he got at Birmingham.
  11. tellboy

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Because he was better imo. Fully expected a bigger win for Ipswich tbh,so we'll done to the 4 Lynn boys.Kerr was very poor,Cook a bit better.If Basso was fit you could have seen Lynn winning this one.Where was Brennan tonight?I hope Lynn asked him to guest. Rew certainly liked the slick track tonight,he is certainly in a rich vein of form at the moment.Emil was Emil,although I didn't expect him to drop a point.King done very well,he does have a liking for our track. Iversen done well,Kvech was ok,but we desperately missed the topl 3 for sure. Nice to catch up with TT tonight,shame his flight was delayed and the train broke down but he got there for the last few races.I did ask if he still had his kevlars,to which he said yes.So I told him to get them on and get out there.He couldn't do no worse than our no1 tonight. Well only Sheffield on Monday,who imo are stronger than Ipswich so we need to pick better guests.At least there are 3 teams not riding.Would take Rew on tonight's form.
  12. I thought he said he wasn't returning to the UK.
  13. I've always said Buster doesn't pay the best rates,but riders always get paid on time.Because he doesn't pay the most he often gets gazumped like he definitely did wit Bomber who would have been at Lynn this season.Same with Musielak,he come on Busters rates because he was left on the shelf by everyone.As soon as there is a hint of more money he wants out.I said as soon as he wasn't returning to the UK he had has ear bent because there was a vacancy going elsewhere.
  14. tellboy

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    They should do tbh,with Lynn having 3 2nd strings and 3 reserves.But you never know the 2 guests do want team places,so tonight is the night where they both bang in maximum and beat Sayfutdinov on a few occasions.It has been a hard day at work so excuse if I may have muddled things up a bit
  15. He can guest for anyone if Sheffield put him in their 1-7,once he is out of Lynn's 1-7 of course.

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