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  1. It is the case. Peter Facenna asked for volunteers to run an in house stream.
  2. Isn't it the case that Glasgow would have considered an in house stream, as opposed to the bought in one used immediately after lockdown, if there were volunteers to run it? None came forward and the idea dropped.
  3. Beirao

    Workington 2024

    Well we certainly accepted it. Surely there must have been another Saturday or Tuesday come to that and yes I know Bomber rides in Sweden on some Tuesdays. Or should we have tried to change the Armadale date instead?
  4. Beirao

    Workington 2024

    Might be an issue for the Tigers when they ride at Plymouth, the night after being at Armadale in early August.
  5. Beirao

    Workington 2024

    And Oxford are racing at Plymouth the following night so wouldnt expect any of their riders to be interested in coming to Armadale then driving down to Plymouth - though bizarrely Glasgow seem to think it's a good idea!
  6. Beirao

    Workington 2024

    He's got three from ten meetings this season. Hardly a lot and the lowest in the team.
  7. Beirao

    Remember Alf Wells

    Alf Wells Chequered Career- the life and times of the popular Kiwi https://classicspeedwaymemories.webador.co.uk/july-2024/alf-wells-chequered-career
  8. Beirao

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    I think Saturday is now Plymouth's first choice of race night. Did we turn down Tuesdays because Chris Harris rides that night in Sweden and were we careless in accepting this particular Saturday. We've had all season to change it but have done nothing. Not sure who in our club is responsible for this bloomer - for once possibly not Cami Brown - but it could scupper our play off hopes as I feel we need to win at Armadale and P,though to have a chance of making the top four.
  9. This month's edition will featureHampden Park to Workington - a new book chronicling the Tigers nomadic timesGoing Back in Time July 1964 - the eventful summer of '64Petrol Rationing and Bus Strikes - the trials and tribulations of 1958Guest and RR - 1970 Version - Hampdens list of missing visitordAlf Wells Chequered Career- the life and times of the popular KiwiTours and Tourists - a look at foreign vivitorsBig Birthdays - who is celebrating this month?Anyone Remember Number 20- our monthly test of your recall skillsclassicspeedwaymemories.webador.co.uk/
  10. Beirao

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    Would he come in on a 5.00 average. Swap out Jack Smith for him perhaps. One for next year?
  11. Beirao

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    Very limited guest options with six teams riding on just about every Friday from July till the end of August. Is there any certainty that Steve will be over it by the end of his months sick line? Its beyond the transfer/signing deadline - 75% of your BSN and league fixtures. Some difficult decisions to be made with little hard facts on which to base them.
  12. Beirao

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    You surely don't believe that Cami makes the hire and fire decisions? They are well above his pay grade.
  13. Jack now has a CMA of 5.4 effective shortly. Does that take us over the limit, meaning only like for like changes can now be made.
  14. Beirao

    Glasgow v Plymouth - 28/06

    Really think we need a fixtures secretary role to ensure reserved dates are co-ordinated, something that hasn't happened in the past , and to tell clubs when to run restaged meetings .

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