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  1. Do they qualify for whatever the next round is, or was it winners only?
  2. skydog

    Swindon Stadium

    Exactly, he knows how to play the long game. If they had finished Speedway at Swindon after 2019 saying it wasnt coming back, there would have been uproar. So they string people along for a few years first, then when they announce it the support has dwindled and the councillors no longer care and are probably fed up of the whole thing.
  3. skydog

    Swindon Stadium

    Not really, he's got a pretty good record for getting what he wanted. I know he failed with Oxford years ago but he was nothing to do with it this time around. And he was only involved in Cov because BE knew he was good at closing Speedway tracks down! Dont get me wrong I'm not a fan of his, in fact I'm Reading fan. If I saw him on fire I'd go fill a jerry can and make sure the job was done properly! But hes obviously a devious bastard and very good at it. .
  4. skydog

    Swindon Stadium

    Hes a clever mothertrucker I'll give him that. This has probably been the exact plan right from the beginning
  5. skydog

    Swindon Stadium

    It does seem like they have always had a long term plan to deal with any eventuality so who knows? Would laugh my nuts off if someone was to come forward and offer to run Speedway, I'm sure if the council backed them he couldnt refuse.
  6. skydog

    Swindon Stadium

    Anyone know the meeting went?
  7. Also what no one is mentioning is that if your whole family are Speedway fans, you are only paying the £15 once for all of you. People are forever moaning about what it costs to take a family, so this is surely a huge saving?
  8. skydog

    Swindon Stadium

    I also asked where the Bristol venue is yesterday as I was amazed I wasnt aware of it. No answer yet...
  9. skydog

    Swindon Stadium

    How can they be allowed to spout the complete lies on their website? The Bristol bit obviously, but also Osborne was never a promoter at Reading. All he did was take a rent for a few years.
  10. skydog

    Leicester Lions 2024

    Pat Bliss ran Reading for years
  11. skydog

    Torquay United Football Club.

    Believe me they know!
  12. skydog

    Edinburgh “24 Team

    Thanks. It would be a real shame if he doesnt race Championship this season, there's a lot of potential there if he gets a clear run.
  13. skydog

    Edinburgh “24 Team

    What is Dan Gilkes' GSA?
  14. skydog

    Torquay United Football Club.

    Only people who believe Clarke Osborne are local councillors and MPs. They ALWAYS believe him.

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