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Bomber And His Starting

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Incredible to read that Phil Morris is doing 'extensive study and research on the top gaters in the world" so that Chris Harris can learn and improve on his technique.


How old is Harris now ? Maybe 30.


With easy access to DVD of riders past and present why hasn't he done this himself ? It's not as if speedway is 12 months a year grind. He has all winter to test and improve in specific areas..

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OF all the great starters I have seen over the years - such as Mauger, Nielsen, Tatum, Wiltshire and Hancock - so much was instinctive but they did have their own techniques and ensured that some of the basics were right.


It is like trying to hit a golf ball with a grip that simply isn't conducive to what you are trying to achieve.


It is an old chestnut of mine that young up-and-coming riders rarely receive any worthwhile tuition. As Ivan used to say, so many just perfect their imperfections. In just about any other sport coaches play a vital role even when the individuals involved reach the pinnacles of their respective careers. Look at tennis... Nadal, Federer, Murray, et al, all still have coaching.


If I were Chris instead of watching countless dvds, etc, I'd just call Kelvin Tatum and ask for some help. He was and still is as strong on the theory as the practical. But the pupil has to be prepared to listen and learn and not, like some, think they know it all as soon as they can slide a bike.

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My god.... the guy brings in someone to help him in Morris, Harris is trying to improve and learn and people are still critical. Strikes me if Harris was to win a couple of GPs and finish in the top eight this season people will still slag him off.

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It's not all about technique how you set your bike up has a lot to do with it as well

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My god.... the guy brings in someone to help him in Morris, Harris is trying to improve and learn and people are still critical. Strikes me if Harris was to win a couple of GPs and finish in the top eight this season people will still slag him off.

I think it's good he brings someone in but am disappionted that a rider who has been riding for so long hasn't done something about his area of percieved weakness sooner. If Morris is doing all this research on his behalf it leads me to think he's not done much himself in the past.


Its not about winning Gps but about making yourself the best you can as quick as you can.


I hope he does well but could this have been done sooner.

Edited by marky
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OF all the great starters I have seen over the years - such as Mauger, Nielsen, Tatum, Wiltshire and Hancock - so much was instinctive but they did have their own techniques and ensured that some of the basics were right.


It is like trying to hit a golf ball with a grip that simply isn't conducive to what you are trying to achieve.


It is an old chestnut of mine that young up-and-coming riders rarely receive any worthwhile tuition. As Ivan used to say, so many just perfect their imperfections. In just about any other sport coaches play a vital role even when the individuals involved reach the pinnacles of their respective careers. Look at tennis... Nadal, Federer, Murray, et al, all still have coaching.


If I were Chris instead of watching countless dvds, etc, I'd just call Kelvin Tatum and ask for some help. He was and still is as strong on the theory as the practical. But the pupil has to be prepared to listen and learn and not, like some, think they know it all as soon as they can slide a bike.

would take issue with mauger as a great starter..(although he was), but the rolling starts over the tapes is a totally different concept

than today.......and im takikng nothing away from him, it was the rules at the time, and he mastered it..great rider, never brilliant round foxhall though!

theres riders that were never the best gaters, and never really changed throughout there careers..bonus like Morton and the likes as made better racing, think Jessup was electric

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I think it's good he brings someone in but am disappionted that a guy who has been riding for so long hasn't done something about his area of percieved weakness sooner. If Morris is doing all thgis research on his behald it leads me to think he's not done much himself in the past.


Its nothing about winning Gps but about making yourself the best you can as quick as you can.


I hope he does well but could this have been done sooner.

You assume he's never done anything to work on it before, maybe he's tried in the past? TBf his gating is better these days that it was 10 years ago by a long way, he's just too prone to throw in a rubbish one that the top guys don't do (other than Ward!)

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would take issue with mauger as a great starter..(although he was), but the rolling starts over the tapes is a totally different concept

than today.......and im takikng nothing away from him, it was the rules at the time, and he mastered it..great rider, never brilliant round foxhall though!

theres riders that were never the best gaters, and never really changed throughout there careers..bonus like Morton and the likes as made better racing, think Jessup was electric

IVAN would have been the best even if he had to start backwards!

Don't know of any other rider who kept a book with every referee's name in it and notes about how he handled starts.

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never ever questioned ivan"s ability..professionalism at all, and agree hes a utter legend....only stated he was up on the rolling. alongside ole olsen

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Bomber can make a start he does it well occasionally but needs a technique and/or set up so he can be a more consistant gater.

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This really did make me laugh :rofl: Starting if it be motorcycles or cars is made up of many things. Peoples eye and hand and brain are all differant and some are just born better at linking them all. There are many things any average starter can do to improve, throttle setting, clutch setting, dont look at the magnet but slightly to the side. All these things will help but in Harris case he is missing the vital bit, THE BRAIN. :lol:

Edited by theknow 2
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Loram couldnt gate but won a world crown so a lot depends on making clever moves in the first bend which both Loram and Darcy seem able to do.


Jan O' wasnt a good starter but when he won his world crown he made 5 fantastic gates

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