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If the FIA would give him a very short ban, I think that Wada might step in and appeal the decision to CAS since Wards (like I said a few posts ago)

that Ward did not only violate FIM's rules but also Wada's anti-doping rules which FIM have implemented into their own rules.


I also think that the long delay might be due to that this, after all, is a prejudice ( in speedway at least) and FIM probably

wants to make sure they have water tight case as well as that the punishment will be adequate enough since it

probably would be used for future references if this situation would happen again.

hope your right about a longer ban because he deserves it just don't think it will happen .
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I'm (almost) sure your comment - the last sentence - was unintentional... But it read as if the opinions of those able to attend were more important.


There are many reasons why people cannot physically attend events - family commitments, financial hardships, disability - to name just three that immediately come to mind. Perhaps you are paid to attend - or perhaps not...


The consensus may be that those unable to attend have thought long and hard about their opinions on 'the Ward issue'. Sometimes a quick 'hands-up' exercise after a question has been asked results in an artificial response as people watch what others do/don't do. I wouldn't say your 'audience' were far more forgiving - just far less thoughtful about the whole scenario. The question they were asked was - I think - worded so that you got the answer that you wanted - and you did.


Very tactful Scribbler.


Mr Rising knows exactly what he's saying, much like the troll Gustix. I love the way he tries to play Mr innocent in his posts, after he's deliberately thrown the worm in.


He's a journalist it's ingrained, He loves to come here with the, 'I know something you don't know' posts and we get the. 'Oh thank you Philip' brigade, kissing arse, 'We wouldn't have known that if it hadn't been for you Philip' Oh please :rolleyes:


He won't reply tonight of course, he'll be rubbing shoulders ( kiss arsing) with the great and mighty and preparing to come back with his next instalment for the saddos to hang on to tomorrow :)

Edited by Jacques
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Well, I'm now 100% certain that Monster will force through Darcy being included in 2015 as a Wildcard if the FIM don't ban him. Very disappointed to see a video that shows Ward hanging around with the Monster crew in all Monster clobber. It's a shame that the SGP's main sponsors have shown misguided priorities.


While suspended Ward should not be around or involved in any manor to do with speedway. Sets an absolutely s#!+ example IMO

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Very tactful Scribbler.


Mr Rising knows exactly what he's saying, much like the troll Gustix. I love the way he tries to play Mr innocent in his posts, after he's deliberately thrown the worm in.


He's a journalist it's ingrained, He loves to come here with the, 'I know something you don't know' posts and we get the. 'Oh thank you Philip' brigade, kissing arse, 'We wouldn't have known that if it hadn't been for you Philip' Oh please :rolleyes:


He won't reply tonight of course, he'll be rubbing shoulders ( kiss arsing) with the great and mighty and preparing to come back with his next instalment for the saddos to hang on tomorrow :)

A sad post from a sad person,i never get the impression of any arrogance from him kissing ass i don't see that either.Also the S/Star is his livelihood he is hardly going to p... people off for the sake of it however he might feel.Why this nastiness towards him? puzzling really i don't understand why you feel you need to.
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A sad post from a sad person,i never get the impression of any arrogance from him kissing ass i don't see that either.Also the S/Star is his livelihood he is hardly going to p... people off for the sake of it however he might feel.Why this nastiness towards him? puzzling really i don't understand why you feel you need to.


Sidney my little darling. How did I know you'd be here with your, don't you be nasty about my ickle fwiend post. Well, I think that's what you've said :)

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Well, I'm now 100% certain that Monster will force through Darcy being included in 2015 as a Wildcard if the FIM don't ban him.



Yep, looks that way.


It just struck me, could the Aussie GP being in October be done to allow Ward time to serve any ban to ensure they have him there for the Aussie GP? or am I just being cynical?

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Very tactful Scribbler.


Mr Rising knows exactly what he's saying, much like the troll Gustix. I love the way he tries to play Mr innocent in his posts, after he's deliberately thrown the worm in.


He's a journalist it's ingrained, He loves to come here with the, 'I know something you don't know' posts and we get the. 'Oh thank you Philip' brigade, kissing arse, 'We wouldn't have known that if it hadn't been for you Philip' Oh please :rolleyes:


He won't reply tonight of course, he'll be rubbing shoulders ( kiss arsing) with the great and mighty and preparing to come back with his next instalment for the saddos to hang on to tomorrow :)


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It just struck me, could the Aussie GP being in October be done to allow Ward time to serve any ban to ensure they have him there for the Aussie GP? or am I just being cynical?


Yes, because the stadium is most likely only available in October. However, we may well be being primed for a 'minimal' penalty, 'charges-thrown-out-on-a-technicality' type of thing.

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Well, I'm now 100% certain that Monster will force through Darcy being included in 2015 as a Wildcard if the FIM don't ban him. Very disappointed to see a video that shows Ward hanging around with the Monster crew in all Monster clobber. It's a shame that the SGP's main sponsors have shown misguided priorities.


While suspended Ward should not be around or involved in any manor to do with speedway. Sets an absolutely s#!+ example IMO

totally agree will be interesting to see if any non monster rider did the same what would be the outcome I think we all know the answer to that
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Yep, looks that way.


It just struck me, could the Aussie GP being in October be done to allow Ward time to serve any ban to ensure they have him there for the Aussie GP? or am I just being cynical?

YOU are being cynical and, as previously stated, Monster have no influence on wild cards. Why would they? Have won the last four World titles without Ward anyway...

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YOU are being cynical and, as previously stated, Monster have no influence on wild cards. Why would they? Have won the last four World titles without Ward anyway...

Ok, lack of information it is no wonder sometimes people speculate. So what's your 'in the know' view. Will Ward be racing in that Aussie GP next October?

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Ok, lack of information it is no wonder sometimes people speculate. So what's your 'in the know' view. Will Ward be racing in that Aussie GP next October?

I HAVE no idea and frankly nor does anyone else until the FIM and possibly WADA determine what punishment if any Ward will be dealt. Even many within the FIM are appalled at the time this whole sorry episode has been dragging on.

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YOU are being cynical and, as previously stated, Monster have no influence on wild cards. Why would they? Have won the last four World titles without Ward anyway...


YOU are being cynical and, as previously stated, Monster have no influence on wild cards. Why would they? Have won the last four World titles without Ward anyway...


Of course Monster will have an influence! Do you really expect anyone to think differently? Monster are headline sponsor, they'll want as much exposure as they can get for their money, which will including as many of their riders as they can get into the series. Wasn't Monster Joe out with Ward the night before his failed breath test? Could it be he feels a little responsible for encouraging, or not stopping Ward getting leathered the night before the GP?


If Ward isn't banned, you can almost guarantee he'll get a wild card for 2015.



I HAVE no idea and frankly nor does anyone else until the FIM and possibly WADA determine what punishment if any Ward will be dealt. Even many within the FIM are appalled at the time this whole sorry episode has been dragging on.


Is it speedway people at the FIM who are appaulled? Mr Castagna perhaps who's relatively new to the FIM and it's workings? To be fair, it's quite possible that Ward or his advisors comments about the technicalities of how the test was carried out has probably delayed things. I would imagine the FIM are ensuring that they have a hydrated tight case before presenting their findings to the jury. It really would be egg on their face if after a public confession by Ward that he was to then get off on a technicality.ink


Personally I think he'll get a 2 year ban with a year suspended, so he'll receive a fair-ish punishment but will still get the wild card for the Oz GP. Bit like taking a kids bag of sweets away, then giving him back his favourite one!

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