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  1. I have seen that on there, but who knows what they would actually use these days. @gmuncie suggested there isn't a specific call out for it and, all in the interest's of the sport and all that. It would make sense if they are trying to use up their points that they'd be trying to argue an average. Otherwise surely Trigger would have been in a long time ago.
  2. His green sheet is 4 and they only have 3.97 to play with? Just checked and on the declarations page he's classed as a 4 but on the stats section says his green sheet is 3.88. Who knows what he would actually come in on, presumably they could be trying to argue for the latter to fit him in.
  3. 5.37 before the Brit reduction
  4. FIM Speedway - News - SPEEDWAY GP STARS ON 90 SECONDS FOR 2025 Morris said: “We have listened to what the fans have said with regard to gardening at the start line. Riders previously had two minutes in which to do what they wanted, but we have decided to cut that down to 90 seconds. It’s taking 30 seconds of gardening away before every heat. “TV viewers are usually watching the replays of the heat before when riders are preparing their starting position for the next race. But for fans watching in the stadium, it should feel as if the action is progressing a little bit faster. Changes for changes sake?
  5. There for a stag do early March, shame it's too early for any meetings. We're staying about 45min walk from the track so I may see if I can slink off for a few hours to have a look.
  6. Perhaps they have a Dayle Wood type 2 point Aussie/Kiwi lined up that they are confirming the average for? Not close enough to know if there are any these days that would qualify but there's usually one. Has Ben Whalley got a British granny?
  7. Has he got a spot on the continent for '25?
  8. There's an Polish article doing the rounds on socials that the Grudziadz manager thinks MJJ's only signed until May over here. Gigantyczna sensacja w PGE Ekstralidze. GKM Grudziądz zajął stanowisko - Przegląd Sportowy Onet Can a contract in England worry fans in Grudziądz? - I think not - Robert Kościecha, GKM coach, tells us. – As far as I know, the contract is signed only until the Swedish league starts in May. Then he will focus on the games in our country, in Sweden and his native Denmark - he adds.
  9. Same here, good to see him get a spot but they’ve got 7 or 8 to play with depending on MJJs average haven’t they?
  10. Seems like the last rider is being announced today, their social media post has an ant on it…surely they can’t be almost 4 points under the limit?
  11. Sky bet have never been the best at this time of year. Can't post the screenshot but they are currently: Zmarzlik 8/11 Bewley 13/2 Lambert 8/1 Freddie 10/1 Kubera & Doyle 16/1 Holder 20/1 Vaculik 25/1 Thomsen & Michelsen 33/1 Brady 40/1 Fricke 50/1 Lebedev, Kvech & Huckenback 100/1 Vaculik and Brady look the best value for EW at 1/4 odds
  12. Thank you. I knew the promotion and a few riders went over - I put two and two together from old stories and it seemed like they'd moved the whole thing over in my mind!
  13. I agree, that 40/1 tag will surely drop a bit now. Should have stuck my tenner on him instead of a Zirkzee winner at the weekend!
  14. Fair play, some season for Brady. Hopefully he can pick up in the GPs like he's finished this year. Could put the cat amongst the pigeons with 3 home track events and last years home track in Sweden on the calendar.
  15. Newport in 77? Believe they were the called the Dragons, the Newport promotion went across after Somerton Park closed and took a few riders over. Way before my time but understand fans didn't travel as well as expected I could have got that wrong but that was my understanding from what my old man had told me.
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