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crescent girl

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crescent girl last won the day on August 6 2013

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  1. So, your complaint is, the local promotion are giving their customers too much speedway for their money?
  2. Zagar is notoriously expensive.
  3. Just to say -- Bastian will start at reserve for Bandits
  4. At least double, and worse --- he'd demand it all in the shape of a huge guarantee per match. Klindt is indeed the ultimate gating tart, but as he usually gates he'll give Plymouth a high-scoring #1 at a reasonable cost.
  5. When you say "there's nothing out there"..... Do you just mean, there are none of last year's riders still unsigned to recycle? Berwick brought in Kildemand, Edinburgh have two Swedes, there are all the new Aussies like Cluff, McDiarmid and Bowes.. in short, there are plenty of riders "out there" -- a club just needs ambition and good contacts to find them......
  6. It is accepted that just about every NDL meeting is to be staged at a weekend, to avoid problems with younger riders taking time off school (which is illegal) and indeed, the older guys having to beg time off work.
  7. It was at Worky last year -- great for southern fans? For goodness sake, this is a moveable feast of a meeting, correct to move it about each season. Best of all possible causes, too......
  8. He recently shipped all his UK speedway equipment home to USA.
  9. And Bandits will have the Scottish clubs twice because of BSN, plus Redcar twice thanks to KO Cup and probably Worky in the Border Trophy -- so that's sorted!
  10. Agree wholeheartedly with the need to stay on a regular racenight. When Berwick went into Div 1, they had only 50% of their regular Saturday crowd turning up on off-nights (which were Fridays). This is fact, l have all the attendance figures in my possession. The years may have changed, and of course crowds are smaller nowadays -- but the proportional drop-off from a regular night will remain the same ....
  11. But the 'letter of intent' would have to be with Will's parent or guardian, wouldn't it? Surely 15-year-olds cant legally sign binding agreements?
  12. Looking around the Northern tracks, Kildemand is the young 'un! He replaces Rory Schlein, who's 40. Bomber is older than that, while both Troy Bachelor and Danny King are also older than PK. Indeed, he's not even the oldest Bandit.......
  13. You're right, of course. Berwick, having been knee-capped by Rory's late (but fully understandable) decision to retire then go on and sign up a two-time GP Winner and the reigning British U-21 Champion -- and all the (ahem) forum funnies can go on about is sarcasm about the signing of (quite possibly) the best-still-available 2-pointer around.......
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