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dontforgetthefueltapsbruv last won the day on August 11

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About dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

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    Bell ringing, horn blowing Massif member
    Snidey banter on pussycat threads
    Campaigner for fair average assessment and team declaration protocol
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  1. Anybody seriously questioning the legitimacy of Emil missing the meeting needs to give their head a wobble
  2. I think we were that far under the limit that he would still fit anyway!
  3. Seemed to me Ritchie was just honest Didn't hide anything as others appear to have done Also if this semi final situation was set "for commercial reasons" why is this in the first week? Emil potentially could've been back next week so why not have this tie in the 2nd week
  4. Indeed - although still in reserve berth with an average that has fallen. Had he not been at Ipswich where Chris is known for his loyalty to riders I'd expect he would've be dropped too
  5. From what I have heard they sanctioned his contract with Birmingham knowing it would only run until August as Birmingham were never making thd Play Offs That meant it wouldn't interfere with the Polish Play Offs and hence the subsequent stance against further participation
  6. Oh come on , surely you're not seriously asking that question! If they go against their Polish clubs wishes they would lose much more than the comparative peanuts they would pick up here Doesn't matter whether you think that's fair or even legal not one of them will rock the boat and test that position
  7. Emil was immense this afternoon - even for someone of his talent that was some performance You could see he wasn't feeling very comfortable though, subdued movement and at the end of meeting interview he couldn't even sit on the chair! It's such a shame that the standing of the British League is at such a low ebb and Poland has such power but that's the way of the world at the moment
  8. I used that expression as the number of 18 point maximums in the history of British Speedway must be so huge as to be statistical irrelevant as a standout fact
  9. Sorry pretty much a run of the mill 6 ride maximum plus a contrived extra heat that doesn't actually count in the points anyway...
  10. It seems the Championship have no such commercial reasons to make a similar decision Poole go into their semi final in 4 days with opponents TBC
  11. The rising star scheme hasn't really been a success and hasn't really been fit for purpose at all for a couple of seasons Only Brennan has progressed out of the scheme and is still in a side Others moving out have already been jettisoned The fact that the Championship dropped it even though that's the natural start point is more pertinent
  12. I commented as such when heat 13 was posted on BSN Facebook I got the reply "but riders dont really celebrate until the team passes 91 points" I resisted replying again about how stupid this was.....
  13. Congrats to Sheffield - wrapped up with 3 to spare. Comfortable as expected
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