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dontforgetthefueltapsbruv last won the day on August 11

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About dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  • Birthday 07/24/1971

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    Bell ringing, horn blowing Massif member
    Snidey banter on pussycat threads
    Campaigner for fair average assessment and team declaration protocol
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  1. Lewi Kerr was already declared but now is not allowed to ride I think it's fair game to do whatever the f@#k you like at this time
  2. Good to see that the pinnacle of British Speedway is finding a suitably farcial way to end the season
  3. Hasn't Rew already signed for a club that will be riding on Thursdays...... in Poland
  4. As ever self interest will dictate the vote rather than the bigger picture as to what could build and develop the league Certain parties would no doubt want to scupper others plans even if it meant a tweak to their own so long as they felt they would gain overall.....
  5. I agree - Abi in isolation isn't the problem The general production is poor. Camerawork and direction is woeful a lot of the time. As for helmet cam I can only assume it is named not after where it is strapped but actually after the person whom decided it is a good idea!
  6. They even managed to caption Kelvin's name wrong at the start last night! Tatum became Tatam Perhaps he was miffed and that's why so many rider names were incorrect in commentary - Jason Lyons even made an appearance somehow at one point!
  7. Speedway at Sheffield is now rather like Super Mario Kart The dirt line is contains the mystery boxes Tonight Kurtz found a Bullet Bill , Harris regularly hit a mushroom boost whilst Jack the sook was hit by that lightening cloud that shrinks you down and makes you go slow Unfortunately the unlucky Ben Cook picked out the spiny shell that picks you up and throws you down - fingers crossed that things dont turn out to be as serious as first feared
  8. I thought Yorkhire was famous for puddings not crumbles......
  9. Better to go with 5 man teams than that if it means two out of their depth
  10. Good afternoon Mr Turnbull - thanks for your contribution How is Christina today? Did she sleep well? Must've been quite some experience being in the spotlight over the last 24 hours
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