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  1. It was no different to a large amount of passes in the SON - none were questioned. He lifted and gained control quick enough to stop the accident - Lampart quick enough to also help prevent it. IF anything was questionable last night (bar the commentary) it was Howarth's pass on Flint, but again that was due to him picking up and lifting coming out of the corner.
  2. I've been thinking similar this season, the 'production crew' seems to have trebled but the actual product feels like its been significantly diluted. Perhaps they weren't as visible in the past or were better at going unnoticed but there seems to be someone stood around doing nothing with a WBD shirt on in every shot.
  3. DJC

    Workington 2024

    Surely Lightcap is the better option, especially long term. I like Gino but he's more accident prone than Kerr
  4. DJC

    Oxford Spires 2024

    All of the changes so far have just felt like cost cutting. they won’t change the reserves at this stage and the Riss connections have been heavily discussed so it’s only really wright or Harris that would go and unless it’s Zmarzlik/Vaculik coming in there isn’t any point to those
  5. DJC

    Plymouth Gladiators 2024

    He came back way too quick from those bad breaks. As much stick Plymouth get for Kennett gate they've not had much luck with all the no1's they've signed recently have getting pretty badly hurt . Unless R Worrall makes a comeback I can't see him being replaced.
  6. DJC

    Plymouth Gladiators 2024

    As probably anticipated, Covatti out for the season.
  7. DJC

    Oxford v Aces

    Didn’t expect him to do it but KIillen would have been the first call I would have made in Lemons place. Don’t ask don’t get and all that! Mulford makes sense as he’s the perfect replacement for Bailey
  8. I read it more like Lynn will close and the licence would be transferred to Swaffham.
  9. Shame, the Swaffham Sharks sounds pretty good
  10. DJC

    Oxford v Aces

    Surely Killen would be top of the RS list to guest at Oxford?
  11. St Davids is in the centre, about 5 mins walk from the stadium, The Fan Zone is about 7-10 mins. £11.70 up to 10 hours. Dumfries place is about 10-15 from both - possibly the one you mentioned. Both fill up quote quickly on the weekends. Last year was chaos as there was an event in the arena opposite St David's but it looks like the GP is the only thing on in Cardiff that Saturday. There are a few around town but St David's is the safest and largest. Park and ride used to be on the A48 but I think its since been closed down from lack of funding.
  12. DJC

    NL Fantasy Team for Fun 2024

    @Islander15 could I make an injury replacement? Vale for Cairns
  13. DJC

    Belle Vue 2024

    Killen looked good but surely they'd go with Mulford before Sheffield give him a run out for one of their reserves. Voulas and Mulford for Tate and Connor?
  14. Always covered over with advertising and the track is built up so high you would barely see the tops of helmets going past. We sat in the front row (closest available to the track) going into the third bend for the first one and barely saw a thing. Top tier is the best at the Millennium, lets you see so much more.
  15. Finally finished last nights meeting. Great end to a great week of racing. Lambert the best rider on show all week, the Latvians impressed as did the Germans. Huckenbeck has to be near the top of Lemons shopping list next year. Less said about the Danes the better. Nice to see Zmarzlik show he can’t get going when it’s against him. That tapes exclusion rattled him more than the crash I think. Personally thought Kurtz was the right choice but putting him off 4 after GB were so good of 1/3 in the semi, sums Lemons management up for me.

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