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About DSC67

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  • Rank
    If the shale ain't fly in' , You ain't tryin'
  • Birthday 06/11/1967

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  • Age
    50 +
  • Profession
    Timber Butcher

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  • Gender
  • Location
    tweedbank , galashiels
  • Interests
    sport , music , film & food , History , photography .
  • Team
    Berwick Bandits

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  1. Not very optimistic about this one , looks like a tough night for the Bandits , Oxford 59-31Berwick , I have been wrong in the past though , as a man once said "It's a funny old game"
  2. Hopefully some of the first timers will come back again
  3. Aye the numpty in front of me and my pal was giving Drew pelters , my pal told him he was a disgrace
  4. Disappointing meeting , especially with such a long gap until the next home match
  5. DSC67


    When a person gets out of jail quite often his mates will take him out for a few beers to celebrate his release , one of his friends may have subbed him a few quid until he gets himself sorted , if that was was the case it know looks like they may have to wait a while to get it back
  6. DSC67

    2022 ISLE OF MAN TT

    What a fantastic week's racing
  7. I was thinking he'd be somewhere about 50
  8. How old is Nobby now ? It seems an age since he road for Berwick
  9. DSC67

    2022 ISLE OF MAN TT

    Superb stuff again so far this year , the siedecars are absolutely mental
  10. DSC67

    Berwick 2024

    Always a tough one when you lose a last heat decider , especially if it's a rerun that goes against you , which they nearly always seem to do . Not the best of meetings due the events on track which obviously caused lengthy delays . A very under par performance from Cook which didn't help Berwick's cause ,best wishes to all the injured riders . Changes are definitely needed if The Bandits want to save the season
  11. Forecast for this evening in Prague doesn't look great , rain for most of the night
  12. Looking at the coverage on Discovery + I'm not very optimistic about seeing any racing tonight
  13. DSC67

    Leicester v Oxford 27th May

    I'd have thought it would have been better to have one person drawing the names and another drawing the numbers
  14. DSC67

    Lee Complin

    That would depend on when they took the banned substance, drugs stay in your system for a while. Would also depend on weather they were over the legal limit or not , but perhaps someone who fails a drug test in the pits should be required to take another test to se if they're over the limit for driving
  15. DSC67

    Berwick 2024

    After tonights result I'd expect Plymouth to be confident of another victory tomorrow night at Shielfield Regarding the car park situation surely a conversation between the promotion and the council could identify the dates when other events will be using the car park so that the speedway could work around them

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