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    Rye House Rockets / Hackney Hawks

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  1. Goldhawk

    Brandon Update

  2. We can't lose another club. Hope upturn for KL and fans soon.
  3. Goldhawk

    Brummies 2024...

    Good idea. As a neutral we need Birmingham back and performing and a Premiership of at least 10 teams. Promising signs this year, lets get Premiership back strong first , the rest can follow. Poole & Glasgow to come in for starters. Long shot but club desperately needed in S.E. i.e.somewhere like Kent ( Sittingborne ) Surely something could be sorted.
  4. Goldhawk


    Len brought the club back from the dead
  5. Goldhawk

    YOUR Ipswich

    Much improved stadium now. Track still needs to produce better racing from what ive seen when going there.
  6. Goldhawk

    YOUR Ipswich

    Was at the opening BL 1 match at Foxhall on Good Friday in 1972 v Hackney - PACKED !! James Easter told me there were c 14,000 fans there ( The Hawks won : ) )
  7. Goldhawk

    YOUR Ipswich

    16 Lapper ?
  8. Goldhawk


  9. Goldhawk

    YOUR Hackney

    I went there as a kid in 1970 & 1971. Nice to have stadium to yourself ; )
  10. Goldhawk

    YOUR Hackney

    Hackney Hawks - Pride of London ! : )
  11. Goldhawk


    Brando back is great though . Like the old days !!
  12. Goldhawk

    Peterborough Panthers 2023

    Agreed . fight tooth and nail for the iconic Showground !
  13. Goldhawk

    YOUR Hackney

    i do remember standing on bend 1 at Plough Lane with I believe the famous "Pit Loonie" home fans. Garry Middlelton was just in a class of his own for the Hawks there that night. One of them bawled out " MIDDLETON ! " .... MAY YOUR EARHOLES TURN TO ARS-H-L-S AND SH-T RIGHT DOWN OUR NECK !! " : D Nice LOL Season 1980 - Just ran out of steam a bit in the end - What a season !!! - Bo Bo had an incredible season that year too !! Near on Unbeatable - UNFORGETABLE
  14. Goldhawk

    YOUR Hackney

    Agreed entertainers they were. The fateful crash with Vic just horrific. it happened right in front of me too. Worst ever, Len was in tears. You could have heard pin drop. I think the match referred on AG to was at Long Eaton with Andy Galvin and the last race. i was there. He took one Long Eaton rider out. Amazingly fallen rider excluded. in the re-run he did it again and fallen rider Long Eaton excluded !! There were riots afterwards from home fans. not happy !! ; )
  15. Goldhawk

    YOUR Hackney

    .... And who can forget Zuper Zenon with a last to first missile surge at Waterden Road down the back straight taking current W.C. Ole Olsen from the back in the process with other two riders AND smashing the Hackney track record at same time !! ( i stand corrected, was it in time of 62.0 seconds ?? ) i think it was in the 1979 season. i went to World Final at Chorzow that year to cheer him on with the 100,000 + Polish fans. He finished 2nd but should have won. Even Briggo said it. August 9th 1980 : Halifax v Hackney Oh boy the meeting of a lifetime if your a fan of the Hackney Hawks. i had the amazing pleasure to be there ! Hackney 11 ? points down at heat 7 they came back, and back , and back.. winning 39 - 38 in the last race. Zenon was in class of his own with 14 paid 15 maximum despite Kenny Carter there in his prime ! The track was incredible i have to say. What a spectacle seeing riders going round at high speed on huge banked track. Leaping Len was in meltdown with happiness ! i hope he reads this forum and pages for his beloved Hawks - Len Silver IS HACKNEY ! My other half had a mini around this time with a .... ZUPER ZENON !! STICKER in the back window. She was toddling down M11 in it one day. A car pulled up along side her and the driver waved ! Who was it - The man himself !!!!!

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