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SharpenRake last won the day on December 2 2023

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1,539 Excellent

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  • Team
    Glasgow Tigers

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  1. Sadly he was getting passed in some races tonight.
  2. A Costa in Glasgow who'd have thought it. We've also got a MacDonalds and Greggs.
  3. Just a reminder you can buy tickets in advance online, saves queuing or on the night. And before anyone asks this meeting isn't being streamed.
  4. Edinburgh fans can't help themselves, they just go on and on and .......
  5. Perhaps we could have 2 races? One before the meeting for the toddlers and one for older kids after heat 10? And, as they can run quicker, the race won't take so long.
  6. Just thought it was worth saying that last night's action was superb - proper speedway with all riders giving it 100% on a brilliant race track. With the medic assessing Chris after his frightening crash they sensibly brought forward the kids race and it was great to see so many youngsters take part. Maybe they could do that more often and I mean bring the kids race foward not Bomber crash! Special mention to Jack Smith promoted to the difficult no.2 position and young reserve James Pearson who would have had paid 10 but for a bike failure. Loved every minute of it.
  7. For any Scunthorpe fan thinking of travelling to Glasgow, the good news is that summer has arrived in the city. This means its overcast, warm and clammy with sunny periods forecast to appear late afternoon. Think it would be a good time to visit as Tigers will be at their weakest, similar to when Scunthorpe hammered us a few years ago. We're having to hope that Jack Smith keeps up his good home form and that young James Pearson will once again impress. The question we're all asking is will Matic be the new Vadim or even Marcin or will he be an another Alexander Conda (remember him). its been that long might need a sat nav to find the track
  8. SharpenRake

    Speedway of Nations 2024

    When will Tatum mention that Ivacic has signed for Glasgow?
  9. How dare you use facts and figures to prove that Kye is doing ok when others think he isn't - Blobby, Blobby, Blobby.
  10. SharpenRake

    Plymouth v Edinburgh 02/07

    I'm enjoying it
  11. SharpenRake

    Ipswich v Leicester June 20th

    Perhaps some of the Leicester riders are playing it 'safe' knowing Dickson's not scared to make changes. Why risk getting injured when you're not happy, there's no chance of winning, there's no team spirit and when you might lose your job thanks to your manager's attitude. Keep your average down and if sacked another team will sign you based on your 'potential'. It would also help get you a place next year.
  12. How bloody arrogant and pompous. Let's go back to the good old days when 100 (older) people sat in a dilapidated stand and politely clapped. There are very few 'speedway' fans left. The days of visiting different tracks on a weekly basis and discussing the 'quality' of the racing and having a bevvy is long gone. But even back then you got disagreements and fans shouting at riders and referees. It was normal when there were big crowds. Look at some old videos of 'brilliant meetings' and you soon discover the racing was very average but the atmosphere was tremendous and the results sometimes unbelievable. The only way to increase crowds is to once again make it exciting, memorable and relevant and get people to buy into supporting a team. If that means booing the 'pantomime ' villain (Jack Millen anybody? ) then why not. It builds up atmosphere and gets kids to feel part of a 'team' and they then want to go again and bring their pals. Just go along and watch Glasgow Warriors rugby team who have steadily built up a strong and loyal following with lots of kids and guess what the players meet the fans after the match, pose for selfies, give autographs and every kid is wearing warriors tops, scarves, hats etc. Sound familiar?
  13. So trying 'something' gets him brownie points? Whatever he tried he should have ensured Hagon was in heat 14. And just a reminder Etheridge was at no.5 thanks to the team manager.
  14. What a brilliant night of speedway. After the heat 8 shambles thought we were going to lose the meeting but we pulled through in the end. A wee bit of advice to young Mr Hagon, your meant to turn left on the 1st bend of a race. It's speedway not roller ball.
  15. Probably strengthens them, plus with Lewis Kerr and Danyon Hume being ex-Tigers this could be a bit of a banana skin for the Tigers.

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