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lucifer sam

Scunthorpe Scorpions Vs Plymouth Devils ( P L) - Sunday, April 24th (6.30pm)

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A good result for Scunthorpe last night. Not able to attend but picked up the scores online. Great that Josh B is getting some real help from you guys. We supporters of KL young Stars are very proud of him and it was good to go to Pboro and support him (despite the score), also met some great Scunthorpe fans . His rides for Scunthorpe have been excellent for him and he was very impressive at KLYS first meeting of the year, he was flying . With some (not all) negative publicity for the new 3 point system , it helps young riders like Josh, and the others, on the ladder. A great battling rider who will fight for every point. Please keep supporting him and look after him. We need young GB riders to come on otherwise we shall be supporting teams with few GB riders like PL football, it is great to have the imports but even nicer to see home riders establish themselves.

I predicted Josh would average well over three in the PL,and all the Scunny supporters seem to have really taken to him.A three point plus average seems easy to get but for Josh it is a huge step from the NL he is at the right club in Scunny also having a great home racing track helps.
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In contrast to another, I was depressed by the low crowd level, it would surprise me if more than 300 people were there.


The match was good, some hard fought rides, I particularly enjoyed Mr. Nielsen's efforts.


If I can travel eighty miles each way to watch two teams neither of whom I support, it is a crying shame that Rob cannot get more locals into the gaff!


Where were you all?

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Really enjoyed this meeting last night. Try to get to scunny as and when I can as the racing is usual top draw, and last night didn't disappoint.


To me, the aim of a good meeting is 2 competitive teams, both with riders who could win a race, and can overtake if not. And that's what we had last night.


Auty and Wilko the stand outs for Scunthorpe points wise. Douglas was all action and great to watch, and young Bailey looked well on the pace and competitive, a wise choice by Scunthorpe.

Plymouth seemed to have a switch mid meeting, Holder & Neilsen struggled early on, and then came good towards the end. Kurtz was the opposite and started great, and finished with 2 0's.



Like a few have said, the crowd seemed very low. Really cannot understand why!

A quickly, well run meeting with some great action, a good race track and a close score line through out. Are people really more interested in the team winning every week? Is the promotion of the meetings not quiet up to scratch? Is there just not enough people in Scunthorpe interested in speedway? Surely crowds of 300-400 a week aren't sustainable for PL.


I'll be visiting as much as possible through out the season & I hope Scunthorpe can carry on with them crowds, be crazy to lose such a great race track.

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Theres a thread on What speedway fans want, and some say the same thing... a well run meeting,no delays, good prepared track, good close racing, a second half with juniors but we give them that but still decide to stay away,i believe we were down to the die hard fans last night, but even some of those were missing, i dont just mean individuals as other commitments can take place but groups of say 4 or 5 were missing who were there at the start of the season.and people wonder why we never sign a Stead or Lambert or King or get Thomas back?,Even if 300 were in and everyone of them paid £15 thats £4500 before riders wages.if Josh was on say £80 a point he earned £1280 last night, Wilko scored 15, he probably got £700 so thats £2000 gone before you add on the other riders.then a £500 air fence panel needs replacing..i still believe the floating fans were watching on updates before deciding wether to come next week,,,As PhilWhiteWasMad said, once we start winning they will come.

Are season tickets the answer? if dont turn up then your robbing your self and not hurting the team

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Theres a thread on What speedway fans want, and some say the same thing... a well run meeting,no delays, good prepared track, good close racing, a second half with juniors but we give them that but still decide to stay away,i believe we were down to the die hard fans last night, but even some of those were missing, i dont just mean individuals as other commitments can take place but groups of say 4 or 5 were missing who were there at the start of the season.and people wonder why we never sign a Stead or Lambert or King or get Thomas back?,Even if 300 were in and everyone of them paid £15 thats £4500 before riders wages.if Josh was on say £80 a point he earned £1280 last night, Wilko scored 15, he probably got £700 so thats £2000 gone before you add on the other riders.then a £500 air fence panel needs replacing..i still believe the floating fans were watching on updates before deciding wether to come next week,,,As PhilWhiteWasMad said, once we start winning they will come.

Are season tickets the answer? if dont turn up then your robbing your self and not hurting the team

I don't know what the answer is Tony to be honest, at Swindon our crowds are getting lower by the minute maybe 1000? were there against the Aces.Scunny have a great track have exciting riders has a promoter that listens but still the crowd is low.This week for example Swindon have a free week, i believe people can get used to not going now with alot more things to do.
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Theres a thread on What speedway fans want, and some say the same thing... a well run meeting,no delays, good prepared track, good close racing, a second half with juniors but we give them that but still decide to stay away,i believe we were down to the die hard fans last night, but even some of those were missing, i dont just mean individuals as other commitments can take place but groups of say 4 or 5 were missing who were there at the start of the season.and people wonder why we never sign a Stead or Lambert or King or get Thomas back?,Even if 300 were in and everyone of them paid £15 thats £4500 before riders wages.if Josh was on say £80 a point he earned £1280 last night, Wilko scored 15, he probably got £700 so thats £2000 gone before you add on the other riders.then a £500 air fence panel needs replacing..i still believe the floating fans were watching on updates before deciding wether to come next week,,,As PhilWhiteWasMad said, once we start winning they will come.

Are season tickets the answer? if dont turn up then your robbing your self and not hurting the team

I think most tracks gate receipts goes on riders wages which tells me one thing!!

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Theres a thread on What speedway fans want, and some say the same thing... a well run meeting,no delays, good prepared track, good close racing, a second half with juniors but we give them that but still decide to stay away,i believe we were down to the die hard fans last night, but even some of those were missing, i dont just mean individuals as other commitments can take place but groups of say 4 or 5 were missing who were there at the start of the season.and people wonder why we never sign a Stead or Lambert or King or get Thomas back?,Even if 300 were in and everyone of them paid £15 thats £4500 before riders wages.if Josh was on say £80 a point he earned £1280 last night, Wilko scored 15, he probably got £700 so thats £2000 gone before you add on the other riders.then a £500 air fence panel needs replacing..i still believe the floating fans were watching on updates before deciding wether to come next week,,,As PhilWhiteWasMad said, once we start winning they will come.

Are season tickets the answer? if dont turn up then your robbing your self and not hurting the team

That's why the likes of me and oldsparky went last night because Scunthorpe gives us what you've listed and what fans want from a good speedway meeting! So take it away and less fans will go. But I think Scunthorpe fans tend to go more when they have a winning team.


Oh and bill Ash for the air fence panel. Job sorted ;)

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Agree; I was a bit concerned leading up to the meeting about what the crowd would be. Fair play to the Devils fans on the first turn who had made the trip North. As I looked around; I did not think that there was much difference from the Peterborough meeting two weeks previous. You have to get some continuity into the season; so far its being a very staggered first month and throw in some setbacks on the track for the team and folks are probably holding off. The weather has a part to play too; so all things considered the crowd was not as worrying as I might have feared.


Great nights action; with the Devils playing their part fully. Really impressed with Little Josh; hammer n tongs behind an equally impressive Stephan Nielsen in Ht12; for third but Little Josh just being squeezed out on the chase to the line. Again in Ht14 contributed to a thrilling race; with Ryan; both all over the back of Nielsen again.


We went away; talking about how the emergence of Josh Bailey could bring more spectator interest to the club. You do not want to throw too much emphasis upon him; but he is clearly a talent. David Howe's mentoring must be a good thing; especially on set ups and track know how. He knows where to put the bike and safely as well. If the Scunthorpe public catch on that Josh Bailey is a burgeoning speedway star developing right on their doorstep. There could be spin offs for the club as the season unfolds.


Delighted to see Wilko back on it and delivering the sort of points we had in mind; very evident that it was not the man and as Rob explained a trip back to his engine supplier did the trick. Big Josh delivered a top score 16 points; and looked all over the big hitter we need him to be. Ryan has been on Facebook; saying that he has rarely ridden harder for 8 points; whilst Alex was apologising for his 6 point return. You can never accuse Alex Davies of not trying; he puts everything into it; and he'll sort it for sure.


Unlucky that Ashley Morris took the panal out the air fence with that alarming Ht11 crash; he let the bike go headlong into the fence. Honestly when he came back off the air fence; he looked worryingly close to collecting the other three riders as they sped by on the inside. Phew ! hope your ok fella.


So all in all a lively and enjoyable nights action at the EWR. Talk from Rob was of making the team change(s); with Zdneck due back at Berwick on Saturday. Reading the Speedway Star; my belief is that Andreas Lyager will still be introduced into the team for Nicolai as per the plan. I think Andreas can be a surprise packet. Carlos will drop to reserve as Zdneck cannot have less than a 5.00CMA as I understand; once he gets match fit we will see the potential in Zeddy.


I hope that once the locals cotton on that there is a great speedway outfit in town; and a great race track to watch them on they will start to get out and back it. Some good weather and continuity is helpful of course. But as has been said; there are some of us doing round trips of 120 miles; so to think that folks in Scunthorpe would rather sit at home and snooze off over ITV's The Durrells just beats me it really does. Support your Local Speedway its a long time gone and those of us in Bradford/Halifax know that only too well.

Edited by the outsider
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Why can't Zdenek have average less than 5.


Foreign riders with an assessed average can't drop below 5 this season.

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I was really surprised at how poor the crowd was

There were a few sheffield fans there too stood to the right of the devils fans.

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