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British Speedway Forum

Matt Davis

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Matt Davis last won the day on May 27 2012

Matt Davis had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

157 Excellent

About Matt Davis

  • Birthday 09/21/1986

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    Anything really
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  • Profession
    Self employed Landscape Gardener & Professional Amatuer Speedway Rider

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  • Interests
    Riding Speedway (Second Halves and Southern Track riders)

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  1. I know for a fact at least 50,000 litres of water was put down Tuesday and Wednesday to try and prevent the dust
  2. Matt Davis

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Lewi Kerr withdrawn tonight at Berwick
  3. Pre book online only
  4. Matt Davis

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Where have you heard this?
  5. Matt Davis

    Workington 2024

    What about Jack Thomas?
  6. Matt Davis

    Plymouth Gladiators 2024

    What is Kim Nilssons average/availability?
  7. Matt Davis

    27 years on

    Does anyone know how much the Sky deal was for? What kind of numbers are we talking here?
  8. Matt Davis

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Which email address did you use?
  9. Matt Davis

    Workington 2024

    What’s Jack Thomas’ average?
  10. Confirmed as running in the Premiership for 2024
  11. Matt Davis

    Oxford Speedway Programme 2023

    I still have that jacket Steve! You’ll have noticed a column from ‘Chloe Davis’, my daughter and current Oxford mascot
  12. Matt Davis

    Kent Royals license revoked!

    Is that the same NORA92 that Barry bishops league runs under? If so is this not exactly why Kent have had their License suspended for running a Nora meeting?
  13. Matt Davis

    Kent Royals license revoked!

    I notice there was a benefit meeting for speedway fan Jessica Young today, does anyone know what the meeting was run under?
  14. Matt Davis

    Speedway Riders Bottoms

    Mark Loram had “Summer job”
  15. Top fishing Steve! I see you haven’t lost your touch!

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