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Crazy robin

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Crazy robin last won the day on March 18 2016

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2,975 Excellent

About Crazy robin

  • Birthday 10/25/1967

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  • Location
    Near Swindon

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  1. Crazy robin

    Belle Vue 2024

    It should stop the minute he rides in Poland, which he will & not last for 28 days.
  2. Crazy robin

    Oxford vs Belle Vue - Thurs 23rd May

    What has happened to Magic as he’ll need to change his name at this rate. That or getting a nice average to fit in at Poole!!
  3. That’s it hind behind the fact that Muddlo has always done this & try to justify it. Not an old Swindon fan as I always will be one & I hope the same doesn’t happen to your club as what’s happened to us. Sad really that you have to even mention it. Hope Max keeps his confidence & belief in himself as it’s clear Muddlo & his teams fans don’t care either way. I’m a speedway fan & without these young lads being given a FAIR CHANCE then the sport is gone then who will you have to race then!!!!!!
  4. What a reason that is as opposed to “I know We’re 30 points ahead but we’re still not giving you a 4th ride”. Only in Poole!!!!!!!
  5. Were in Heat 14 though when the reserves could’ve changed!!!
  6. Absolute rubbish but wouldn’t expect any less from a Poole fan who’s watched Muddlo do this to young British riders regardless of what division they’re in!!!!!
  7. Justified when he has always done it regardless of what division you’re in.
  8. Absolute rubbish & you know it as they won’t lose by that much in any meeting this season!!!!
  9. Typical Middleditch giving a young reserve only 3 rides when the team were winning comfortably!!!!!
  10. Crazy robin

    Sheffield vs Ipswich 13th May

    Taxi for Kyle is looking likely as he’s struggling in both leagues this season
  11. Crazy robin

    Brummies 2024...

    Don’t think Nick Morris or Richie Worrall will be back anytime soon as they’re banned
  12. Crazy robin

    Tigers v Aces KO Cup 2nd leg

    Doesn’t he always when it matters?
  13. Crazy robin

    Sheffield v Oxford 02/05/24

    Poor team management giving Charles & Bomber 4 rides when Cook is flying at reserve
  14. Crazy robin

    Brummies 2024...

    Wasn’t it Shamek who rode for Coventry & Poole not Piotr as the press release states??
  15. Crazy robin

    Edinburgh “24 Team

    Why has Josh given up on riding on the continent?

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