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  1. 3 points
    Klindt needs to be roughed up on the first turn every time as he is a completely different rider without fresh air in front of him.
  2. 3 points
    The points limit I think plays a part in the increased turnover because even when an enforced change is made, sometimes two changes have to happen. So in the current situation Sarjeant has probably lost his place for that reason. That is wrong and something should be done which protects the innocent party if he is a Brit. Apart from that, I think the only change which has been harsh is Newman. Vaculik and Bates never even started, Pqlm Toft was a temporary replacement (again the points limit lead to him not being retained when Bjerre was signed). Leicester reserves now should be Newman and Sarjeant. The 1-5 and the changes to it are mainly legacy of injuries to Vaculik, Bates and King. I recall in the 1970's White City going the whole season (and winning the league) using r/r for Dag Lovaas, Wolves doing something similar with a rider who never materialised (Johansson?), and Leicester in 1976 so shorn of riders that at Swindon they had 6 guests plus Doug Underwood. Then in the Rogers era there was quite a bit more coming and going - I think that Husczca came and went a few times. In fact you can also put the higher rider turnover down to the massive increase in use of foreign riders.
  3. 3 points
    Cracking way to end the GP weekend , there will be a busload of us going to this on our way home from Cardiff to Glasgow . Might be a bit worse for wear by this time though haha
  4. 3 points
    not just the lower end,its lost the mid range too, the back wheel is spinning about 1500 revs faster than it was 20 years ago but the bike speed is still pretty much the same, the light flywheels in a short stroke engine just makes it rev, it not all the engine the silencer has reduced the usable power a bit more, the bikes are relatively easy to ride no matter what the size of the track and on a smooth surface they behave but as soon as there is a build up of dirt or a rut they just take off, now imagine the bike takes off and you have to scrub that wheel spin off before you hit the fence , on a track like belle vue you not so much broadsliding as steering a skid, you need the bike to be going forward all the time but on a smaller track you have to turn hard and you scrub a lot of speed off, on really tight tracks your almost going backwards mid turn, so do we really need extra wheelspin to go the same speed?, the product looks the same, many of the people I have spoken too have said we should never have gone from upright to laydown, even hans Nielsen and peter karlsson said it but we did and the first laydowns were great as they had the handling of the laydown chassis and the performance of the upright engines but as short strokes got more popular we are just getting further and further away from a good bike no matter how much they shine
  5. 3 points
    7 men make up a speedway team and yet just 4 months into the season, that's now 16 names on the Lions team sheet. Even allowing for the unfortunate injuries, that's quite a roll call... Martin Vaculik Josh Bates Danny King Krystian Pieszczek Hans Andersen Kyle Newman James Sarjeant Michael Palm Toft Kenneth Bjerre Todd Kurtz Ricky Wells Charles Wright Scott Nicholls Josh Auty Stuart Robson Connor Mountain A very long time ago (1969) Leicester Lions used the same 7 riders all season. We probably didn't realise it at the time but christ, those were the days. Even the odd change at reserve was greeted with a raised eyebrow and a visit to the track shop proudly showed photos of the riders that you'd be cheering on all season. Given the 'hire em fire em' culture of modern speedway it's easy to see why Matt Ford did away with team kevlars at Poole this season. Suprised any of them bother. The thing that bothers me, especially after reading the comments on the various Leicester Speedway Facebook pages, is that the fans now appear to have adopted the same mercenary standpoint taken by the promoters. It's become the norm and multiple changes are cheered. I think that's sad for speedway. I always used to think, and probably the main reason I became a fan as a young boy, speedway was superior to other motor sports because it somehow managed to embrace the 'team' ethic. You identified with the guys wearing your club's colours at your local track. They may as well just run individual meetings each week for all the value the word 'team' has these days.
  6. 2 points
    I think that if you carried out a survey of supporters you would find that the majority wanted a winning team and not to be beaten or run close week in week out. If Leicester had managed to keep the original 1 to 7 riders then we would have easily made the playoffs. Promoters really can't win. People moan if changes are made, people moan if changes aren't made. In fact, people moan full stop. If we had kept the team, as it was, against Kings Lynn we would be bottom again come the season's end. I'm not saying we will make the playoffs with the changes, but we have more of a chance of collecting some much-needed points.
  7. 2 points
    I see Shovlar is on one of his usual wind ups, just wait for them to get beaten again.
  8. 2 points
    So does anybody know when the 2018 Leicester press & practice, and meet the riders event is happening?
  9. 2 points
    Rockerfeller! There's so much I could say about this, I thinks it's a rather simplistic view and an analogy that can't be made... but to keep up the analogy... Imagine this restaurant you own is in a state of disrepair, the paint is peeling off the walls and you're ankle deep in p155 when you go to the toilet but people still keep coming because at heart the food is so damn good but then you are told by the council you can only open on Monday and Wednesday nights because that's what all of the other restaurants in the area have agreed even if you didn't and then all of a sudden one night the chef doesn't turn up because he's working at a restaurant down the road but it's ok because the council have arranged for one of the burger flippers at the local maccies to be sent in his place... but hang on this isn't a one off, it keeps happening, a lot of your customers stop coming but some continue to do so, you haven't changed your prices, you're still charging restaurant prices for fast food. One night you go out and ask one of the customers tucking into his Big Ace and ask him why does he keep coming, because I remember how good it can be here and occasionally it still is he replies. I'll go and ask some customers that used to come you think to yourself, only you step outside your restaurant and can't find any of them, they're all doing something else now. At this point you send the burger flipper back to macs, tell your chef he cooks for you and nobody else, you stick 2 fingers up to the council and take them to court for restriction of trade, you paint the place, mop up the p155 but do the customers return?
  10. 2 points
    I note the statement on the Birmingham website about the incident. I trust those who criticized Buxton and Jayne will now be offering apologies
  11. 2 points
    The press conference is on social media for all to see/hear and realise if they didn't know already, that you are a troll.
  12. 2 points
    A big opportunity this... As the beauty of Speedway of course is that most of the fans there will have attended the very first meeting too...
  13. 2 points
    as I said spend some time in Poland, they have some real crap tracks that are in fields, did you watch the SEC FROM gustrow at the weekend?, a small track similar size to buxton that has a similar black type shale and was rough, completely the opposite to belle vue but there was some really good racing on it especially in the first half the meeting, the size of the track doesn't matter, all the size does is make the tuner more important
  14. 2 points
    Crowds are in double digit decline YOY. Its massive. The majority of fans may go for the team element but what is the majority now? 1k on average per top flight team? Its dropping like a stone so if I was developing this sport I would instantly change the dynamic. Speedway isn't adapting. You can't sell a product if the product isn't right. I've ran my own pubs/restaurants throughout my career. Without blowing my own trumpet, I'm very successful with it. My guest is KING. Absolutely nobody leaves my businesses unhappy. What the customer wants, the customer gets. Period. As a consequence my trip advisor ratings are through the roof. That is the basis of any business. Stability in the foundations. Make sure the product you sell is bang on the money and then you start to promote and sell/expand. This is where speedway fails every single time. You can't sell a team aspect if the racing (the core product/foundation) isn't right. I'm not saying the team element isn't important, it is, but it will stand for nothing if the main event doesn't capture your customer. I'll say for the umpteenth time, ask ANY neutral with a minimal knowledge of this sport how they feel about it, and they will all give the same answer. They are going to tell you they were bored. They are not interested in the team element. They only come once, because the main event didn't sell. If one of my restaurants started showing any sign of decline or poor guest feedback I would immediately pull the plug on any marketing or sales driving until I identified the issue and fixed it. That is called being counter productive and will do more harm than good trying to grow something that isn't working. If one of my businesses was in the same level of decline as speedway, I wouldn't be listening to the remaining guests I had telling me everything was fine, because it quite clearly isn't. Just because those minimal fans that attend speedway say they go for the team element doesn't mean that the team element is right, because your declining like crazy! It's an utterly stupid logic and displays a basic lack of common sense. A lot of supporters still in this sport are the same ones as 20/30 years ago. Speedway doesn't know how to capture a new audience and like it's core, declining fan base, is stuck in 1985. Society has moved forward. For speedway it really isn't difficult. The speedway is the hook, the team element is the sell. In that order.
  15. 2 points
    NO. we like Kyle . a gusty wee fella and he is a Marra
  16. 1 point
    God crowd. Terrible racing. It’s been absolutely awful this year. You know it’s bad when you see Morris slowing down Aarnio to try and get Ellis through, but Ellis can’t find anything anywhere to even get close to passing. Trouble is with all the doubt over the future of the track and stadium, I can’t imagine that the club will be spending any money on the track at all. It suffers awfully for it. well done to Somerset for beating what was in front of them, but I thought their middle order was bang average. It was only Aarnio’s heroics (who i wouldn’t mind seeing as a temp replacement for Bellego if it was needed) that spared them from the blushes of not putting away a team which had reserves not beating an opponent out in 10 of the 15 heats! Hilarious seeing all the hindsight heroes having a moan about what should have been done about the team.
  17. 1 point
    I think if Wolves was any bigger it probably wouldn't work, there's no doubt it's a technical trick track but I have seen some cracking racing there.
  18. 1 point
    Quite right Cliff, Jack Holder especially has been an absolute revelation. I know it feels like an age since we had a home meeting but Jack's away average is actually higher than his home average.... you don't see that very often! What a signing he's been. I couldn't of got it more wrong either as thought Aarnio would of been poor but seems he won us the match with a great double figure score. Doyley at his best too! Anyone know why he didn't do heat 15 when the points weren't secure? Another cracking away result ending another unbeaten home run of a team. Few more home wins and that should be us in the play offs comfortably.
  19. 1 point
    Spot on Baggy. Remember Adam Allot ? Klindt is the same type of rider. 3 or 0
  20. 1 point
    Another good result for the Rebels, is there a more improved rider in the Premier than Jack Holder?. Still a long way to go but everyone’s favourite team to be bottom are currently comfortably top, a tremendous achievement. Well done everyone down at the OTA, looking forward to seeing my friends down there tonight at the Pairs.
  21. 1 point
    Positive stuff first. Good debuts for mark and coty and both contributed to a entertaining meeting. Despite Wallinger not scoring it was very refreshing to see him practicing after the meeting and trying to improve and learn the track. Our riders need to be aware of where their team mate is on track. Cam impeded Rory several times and Rory done the same to Nico. Now for a moan. When a ten year old lad asks a rider for his autograph and gets told to wait til after the winning parade and then the rider failed to even look at this lad and give his autograph even though he patiently waited for ten minutes. Its hard enough to attract younger people but to treat them like that is very poor. The riders need to remember who pays their wages because soon there will be nobody left. A quick signature means so much and the riders become heroes with these youngsters but this experience has left a very sour taste
  22. 1 point
    He's probably like me, 200 miles away, watching updates.
  23. 1 point
    Amasing init. Phil the Ace hd the good grace to appologise to me for what he said, for which i accepted his appology, several others have backed him up with good grace,and expressed there thoughts for me. Yet some on here still want to turn a thread like this into some sort of other form of unnessersary conversation. Its taken a lot of guts for Phil to do what he's done which i appreciate, but some just dont seem to understand what he has done and what im still going through. In short, take your needless conversations elsewhere.
  24. 1 point
    SEC 2nd round Gustrow Saturday July 14th all heats Polish short version
  25. 1 point
    I have started to believe that it has become a case of look after number one and collectively the promoters will never agree for the good of the sport. Each club must have a threshold where you say my business cannot continue on this basis, it is not financially viable but rather than all work together to help each other and take the appropriate action to cut costs, it seems that for those clubs who are in difficulty it is tough luck, your problem, not the BSPA. Either that or they have collectively all gone so far down hill that none of them know what to do any longer to save the sport. These are suppose to be businessmen yet some of the decisions are pure madness. The lack of transparency is worrying and way they treat the punters, their number one asset is beyond belief. I don’t think they will wake up until it is too late let alone get a chance to smell the coffee. As an example why not loosen up on the rules of running a track, cut the owners some slack and allow tracks to have open licences to run speedway in whatever format suits them as a regional business. They are in effect a franchise and need to sell Tom the local market. What you do in Newcastle might not appeal to punter s at Lakeside . For example Rye House might then be able to rebuild some confidence and win back supporters with some open meetings and a mixed event including other two wheeled sports. Don’t stop riders taking part because it does not suit your current business model. RH was never ever going to be a successful weekday venue. Since 1974 when Rayleigh moved in and before that it has been a weekend venue. History tells you that so why force a club to race mid week. No doubt other tracks are on the brink and is it not time that the promoters turned to the supporters for help rather than shun them.

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