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About Lefty

  • Birthday January 3

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  • Music
    Folk & Rock Music
  • Age
  • Profession
    Engineer (Retired)

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  1. I'm amazed that that there are 19 un-attached riders that were approached to appear in "Stars In Your Arena"
  2. Lefty

    Facebook Speedway Groups

    “Great minds think alike, though fools seldom differ.” or perhaps we should have save said... If Typhoo put the 'T' in Britain, Who put the...
  3. Lefty

    Facebook Speedway Groups

    Good job they didn't mention Scunthorpe
  4. Is Buster's 'train set' up for sale yet? Or will he be "Throwing the baby out with the bathwater!"
  5. Lefty

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    Most Wolverhampton fans considered Stevie to be the best #2 in the League.
  6. Lefty


    Can the title be renamed: Coventry vs Leicester?
  7. Lefty

    Jason Garrity

    "I'm Telling You Now", Freddie is by far the best of the Manchester Garrity's!
  8. Lefty

    Jason Garrity

    Would that be Ryde or Parkhurst?
  9. Has King Charles III been advised to evacuate Sandringham House yet?
  10. Lefty

    Jason Garrity

    I was of the belief that the Ruskies were happy to sell off tyres and equipment at the end of a tour as dollars / pounds were a benefit to them. Is this a fair reflection that the 'theft' was arse covering when things went a bit muddy?
  11. Lefty

    Speedway Star

    A big thumbs up to Peter Oakes in this weeks Star for his 'Just Saying...' column regarding the drug issue (or not!). A well balanced article.
  12. Lefty

    The Boys Are Back in Town

    Once again a superb read. So many great memories revisited. Thank you.
  13. Lefty

    Speedway Season

    At least wait until the clocks go forward. It's warmer and brighter (allegedly)
  14. Lefty

    Brummies 2024...

    She could always pop in at Perry Barr when hubby is at Villa for the footie!
  15. So it's not Torquay?

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