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Ghostwalker last won the day on August 29 2015

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About Ghostwalker

  • Birthday 03/31/1978

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    Eskilstuna, Sweden
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  1. Vargarna have signed Jonas Jeppesen as a replacement for Mateusz Tonder.
  2. Smederna makes a surprise rush start and is 10 p up after 4 heats. Philip Hellström Bängs made a really nice pass of both Lejonen riders to make 5-1 Smederna with Joel taking the win. In heat 4 Tarasenko and Zmarzlik had a good fight for two flaps before Tarasenko pulled away to the win.
  3. Everyone except Tarasenko can do one of Drabik's heat. Can't see Smederna having a chance tonight.
  4. Smederna will use RR for Drabik since Kim Nilsson stil is sick.
  5. Ghostwalker

    Speedway of Nations 2024

    Agree, but not many other weeks to choose from since the Olympics starts this week. Event needs to be spread out more, like if the final is in Manchester they qualifying event can be at two other tracks in other parts of the UK so to attract different spectator groups? I also think that SON/SWC needs to be reduced to a biannual event (preferable odd years to avoid clashed with Olympics and Euro/world cup where SON/SWC alternates = if SON next year, then next event is SWC in 2027 and then SON in 2029.
  6. meh, whatever, too many teams and threads to keep track of. This is a Polish news thread so I posted it here.
  7. Philip Hellström-Bängs has signed with polonia bydgoszcz
  8. Smederna hope to be able to use Kim Nilsson at nr3, but it isnt sure if he will be fit for tomorrow since he has been sick for a while. If Kim isn't fit Smederna will use RR for Drabik instead.
  9. Today was the first league racing event at Gotland in 15 years. Bysarna arranges youth cup (85 cc) today and tomorrow. All youth cup events can be viewed live on youtube.
  10. Ghostwalker

    Speedway of Nations 2024

    IMO, you will get low crowds where you have it if you are persistent of having all races at the same venue.
  11. Smederna apparently using R/R for MJJ due to personal reasons for MJJ.
  12. Francis Gusts broke a finger a couple of days ago and during his convalescence Vargarna will replace him with Adam Ellis. Vargarna also announces that Mateusz Tonder won't ride more in Sweden this year due to personal reasons so Vargarna will look into replacing him too.
  13. Dackarna - Smederna will start 19.00 local time at the earliest due to rain.
  14. Wednesday's lineup for previously postponed meeting bewteen Rospiggarna - Smederna Rospiggarna 1. Kai Huckenbeck 2. Jakub Jamrog 3. Artem Laguta 4. Victor Palovaara 5. Wiktor Przyjemski 6. Kacper Pludra 7. Dante Johansson Smederna 1. Michael Jepsen Jensen 2. Frederik Jakobsen 3. Kim Nilsson 4. Patryk Wojdylo 5. Vadim Tarasenko 6. Philip Hellström Bängs 7. Joel Andersson
  15. Judging by the current forecasts there won't be any racing tomorrow. Lots of rain expected tomorrow evening at the other tracks as well, especially at Målilla where 17.9 mm rain is expected from 15.00 in the afternoon until midnight.

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