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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2024 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    When will they form a NORA League? Isle of Wight, Kent, possibly Mildenhall, maybe Eastbourne to join them. How about Buxton, and Northampton?
  2. 2 points
    Please NOOOooo ..... poor before retiring .
  3. 1 point
    I'd say zero chance of it not being staged, since it is Belle Vue v Edinburgh. Belle Vue always complete their fixtures at the NSS, and as BV and Edinburgh are 2 of the stronger NDL teams, there's a good chance that one of them will be in with a chance of winning the league.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    They need to make changes before the season starts ! Lol
  6. 1 point
    Maybe could be delay getting a visa for a rider ? So keeping options open ?
  7. 1 point
    Iris, the crowd at the last Internationales were quite low. The stadium for the final Internationale in 1981 held on a Sunday in bright sunshine, after it had been originally postponed was extremely quite. I have to agree with you both the second division riders championship at Wimbledon were always extremely loud and colourful with tremendous atmosphere.
  8. 1 point
    They have a challenge lined up on April 14th V Eastbourne Eagles..
  9. 1 point
    so the fans cant talk about averages at all? what a strange point of view
  10. 1 point
    Good read in this week’s Star that Kent are coming to the tapes this year under the Nora association. Good luck to all involved. It deserves to succeed after the grief dished out by the BSPL in 2023.
  11. 1 point
    You'll find "The Complete History of the Speedway / Wills / Embassy Internationale by Robert Browne" here: https://www.speedwayresearcher.org.uk/wimbledoninternationale.pdf
  12. 1 point
    Pleased to hear Eddie is fully fit after his injury he received riding for Plymouth a couple of seasons ago.
  13. 1 point
    Had a brief look at the sparse NDL fixtures for 2024 and was disappointed to see there is a fixture scheduled for the 11th October! Obviously there are likely to be rain offs etc but just two fixtures currently in September and the rest knocked out by the end of August makes sense. I can understand why any side would want to delay hosting Edinburgh for a s long as possible but October feels extreme...
  14. 1 point
    Roskilde Road Greyhound and Dirt Track. In order to present the sport best possible, a selection of mainly British riders from the Manchester White City track were contracted from the opening day until the end of 1928. They were Dick Hayman, Ted Egerton, Mark Sheldon, Clem Beckett, Arthur Greenwood, Ernie Greenall and John Crump (all England), together with Keith McKay (Australia) and Stewie St. George (New Zealand) and others. At the end of the seas in December Dick Hayman had won 20 raced, thereof 6 in a row. Stewie St. George’s track record was 1,44 minute for 4 laps. Clem Beckett and Dick Hayman stayed i Copenhagen through the winter and returned to England at the end of June 1929. Season opening March 22nd 1929. Among the first foreigners to come were Ernie Greenall, Ted Cowley and T. D. Ainthorpe. Greenall won every time he rode, which caused Count Raben to cable to England and ask for a rider “capable of beating Grenall”. Then the Irishman “Ginger” Lees got dispatched to Copenhagen, where he immediately lowered the track record to 1,39 minute. Dirt track goes air borne. (Sure i have seen a photo of some riders, including Clem standing by one of these planes to take them between Copenhagen and Hamburg)The Dirt track Company’s first Air express took off from Kastrup airport at 10 o’clock this morning heading for Hamburg, with Air Cpt. Harald Hansen at the controls and with 8 passengers and 3 speedway bikes onboard.The bikes were securely fixed in the luggage compartment early this morning. It had been necessary to remove a wheel from each of them. http://speedwaylife.com/danish-tracks/roskildevej-dirt-track/ Also to tie in with this, Beckett's appearance in Hamburg. Maybe it was just the one, or maybe he appeared in subsequent meetings, but wasn't mentioned in the press A minor sensation happened in the B class for german riders,as after a number of meetings where he so often fell off,Bill Kellner finally won a final!!!A taste of things to come........In the A class for foreign riders a newcomer from England made a sensational start.Clem Beckett won his heat in great style earning loud applause from the crowd.Unfortuntaely for him and the fans,he was carrying an injury that made it difficult for him to compete further.Ned Kelly won a hard fought heat just finishing ahead of Thorkild Claussen Johannes Wunders new technique did bring him the win in the main handicap final ahead of the Dane Rasmussen and Herbert Drews This time the Friday meeting with its new event could go ahead and seemed to have done what was hoped and attracted a record crowd(for a Friday)with around 18,000 turning up to see the race for the new Douglas bike.The meeting started with a match race challenge between Ned Kelly and Thorkild Claussen ,the first heat of which was described as the best so far this season.Both very evenly matched racing hard against each other.Claussen won 2-0,the second heat far easier than the first.Stewie St.George won the final for foreign riders ahead of English riders Arnold Moore and Jack Wood.And for the second meeting in a row,Bill Kellner won the B class final.He showed his improvement by also qualifying along with Herbert Drews for the handicap final,but it was the Berliner Heck who beat Claussen to the chequered flag followed by Drews and kellner In the big final Johannes Wunder kept up his good form,taking revenge on Fritz Niss,who beat him in the quali.Wunder was ut in front from the start and no matter what Niss tried he couldn't get to him.Arnold Stölting was third ahead of Otto Heinrichs The sunday meeting featured a match race challenge between Franz Heck and Arnold Moore Watched by 10,000+ the Berliner won the first heat in a great time,just outside the national record with 76.2.The second was far closer with Moore leading all the way in a tough race until Heck made a pass on the last bend to take the match 2-0 just 0.1 second ahead of Moore!! Kellner couldn't manage 3 on the trot in the B class as ever improving Herbert Drews beat him into 2nd place.Wunder again managed a good win in the handicap final,although he had a bit of luck that Walter Hulls bike played up whilst leading and Heck also had bike trouble,so onl Arnold Moore could give Johannes a scare in finishing second. A couple of days later it was announced that for the next meeting the best dirt track rider in the world was coming to Hamburg.Sprouts Elder!!!Not only that,but track favourite Ginger Lees was making his return from Denmark, having re-taken the track record in Copenhagen.Joining him would be another favourite in Niels Sorensen!!!!
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point

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