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  1. 4 points
    What an absolutely pulsating meeting to attend and witness speedway at it's best. The races involving Ben, Richard & Bomber were phenomenal. Heat 10 with Ben & Bomber throwing everything at each other to pass & re-pass was incredible to watch. That race was a classic! It's a great shame that it wasn't captured on film because even the controversial reffing decisions involving Richard & Ben were worth another watch to see if the ref was right or wrong. But where would we be without a bit of controversy to talk about?! Special shout out for Vinnie as he contributed a vital 5 points and the way he rode you wouldn't think he was a 2 point rider! Well done Vinnie. Thoroughly enjoyable evening and well done to Glasgow for playing their part in an incredible meeting. The Boyzzzz dug deep NID
  2. 3 points
    Yes has been really sick all week - he should be congratulated on a great result.
  3. 2 points
    James Pearson was really struggling tonight he was being sick after every ride guess that’s why he never got more
  4. 2 points
    Definitely did, we couldn't continue on as before. Its about this time of year that promoters start to think about/discuss the set up for the following year, whatever will they come up with this time, a 35 point limit, even fewer meetings than this year, a multiplier of 2 for Premier riders dropping to CL teams? God forbid they carry out any form of market research to find out what their customers want or just as important, don't want.
  5. 2 points
    Speedway was the winner tonight , Harris and Ben Cook just wow . Why BSN chose to go 30 miles up the road for a basement battle is beyond me
  6. 2 points
    How do you know they were dubious did you watch a stream.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    I see the will to win in zmarzlik like no other rider, he is 100% no matter if GP or challenge meeting and I guess it must demoralise the opposition somewhat how he is on it all the time and he looks like he enjoys doing it too
  9. 1 point
    Another phenomenal pirates performance. Where is trackrat? Thought he would be the first to congratulate us!!
  10. 1 point
    What happened to 'First Bend' videos? They used to film all the meetings and sell the DVDs. And what was that drone all about?? They sent it up into the sky and then it vanished never to be seen again. The social media side of the promotion is pretty poor as well which is highlighted by the Tigers website which is often neglected by whoever is meant to be running it.
  11. 1 point
    A decent meeting that we didnt deserve to win IMO. We had a fragility about us all night, too many points dropped when in scoring positions. Poole, like Edinburgh worked out there is a profitable inside line off turn four if you are prepared to go there, and we got rumbled several times. Well done to Poole. Ivacic looks a real find, of the wrong sort that is. Its only his second meeting but as well as being not very quick seems to often be in no mans land and vulnerable on the inside and outside. I keep reminding myself he's in for Starke but its not working. I wonder if Anders was auditioning tonight either for Steve W potentially not returning or next season. He put in a decent shift.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    do you think the Celina experiment has paid off?
  14. 1 point
    Don't you love it the guy wasn't there first Poole fan to question, no sorry exclaim about the refereeing decisions
  15. 1 point
    Wayne Jarvis putting in another remarkable refereeing performance!
  16. 1 point
    I wouldn't mind knowing what Poole pay their riders , be interesting for most fans I would imagine so fire away Skidder1 .
  17. 1 point
    Have they gone mad!! Signing the same up and coming Aussie again who gives his all instead of their usual European no hoper they normally sign......
  18. 1 point
    What I do not understand is that most clubs do not own the stadia and rent them from independent landlords. For example, if I approached Spedeworth to run a Nora meeting at Foxhall Heath on a date when the stadium was not being used by anyone else, Spedeworth say OK, how can the BSPL then stop the witches racing claiming it is an exclusive venue for SCB meetings only (unless the SCB have entered into an exclusive covenant with every stadium regarding speedway which is highly unlikely as the landlords would undoubtedly no want to tied in to something like that unless they are receiving from the SCB a financial incentive). Or another scenario, what if the stadium owners at Mildenhall were to host Nora meetings in 2024 and agree a deal for 2025 and then the Fen Tigers applied to enter a team under the SCB/ BSPL arrangement in 2025, would they refuse the application? All seems crazy to me when the sport is on its knees and needs as much publicity and rider participation as is possible, the last thing it needs is a cartel.
  19. 1 point
    Zack back at Birmingham on short term contract, for Justin Sedgmen
  20. 1 point
    That's the Craig Cook I like to see and can get behind, we all know he's a complicated character and I'm not one for his antics of last week with the Edinburgh match... but credit where it's due tonight.
  21. 1 point
    Nice for a positive post for cookie Hes not as bad as most think
  22. 1 point
    Not much to talk about on track, it was pretty turgid stuff and Stewart Dickson pretty much hinted as much after the match. Off track though, was listening to the rider interviews after the match and most of the Lions riders were being brought out for photos with a young family with a seemingly poorly young girl (by the new female promoter, sorry, I can't remember her name)... but special mention to Craig Cook who not only had his photo taken with the kids but also gave his, well deserved, rider of the night bottle of bubbly to the young family, probably making their night. Tremendous gesture and proves what a top bloke he can be
  23. 1 point
    When Godfrey gets around to sorting a date! And 'scorpions turf', av they ran out of shale and turned their hand to grass track?
  24. 1 point
    He did, but allowed the club to die again.
  25. 1 point
    Lets face it the costs now are unsustainable for anyone without substantial backing to break through. Over the last 10 years the Youth system has slowly destroyed any future for the sport.

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