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  1. 11 points
    Biggest crowd of the season, with plenty of new faces experiencing Speedway for the 1st time with the partnership with Glasgow Warriors introducing new fans to the sport. With everything from crashes, controversial decisions, hard racing, passing in every heat, team captains showing passion and pride ,that is what you call entertainment. Credit to both teams for showing what speedway should be like.
  2. 11 points
    Who, knows, we have been struggling for some free Fridays if you don’t count the 8 we have had in the last 10 weeks.
  3. 8 points
    You really are a massive pr..k, Sam like a lot of lads is trying hard to make a successful career out of speedway, sometimes they just get it wrong, do you actually think bewley, lambert and especially Bart got it right every single time, they just got into a habit of going around the pits saying sorry to move experience riders and that’s what Sam and all the young riders have learned to do since time immortal, try being in Sam’s shoes last night travelling home, do you actually think he would have been delighted? Do everyone a favour and keep your comments to yourself unless they are helpful to young lads please .
  4. 8 points
    Pity the train driver for someone walking on the track and the driver being traumatised through no fault of his own
  5. 7 points
    Did you know the seagulls in Grimsby fly upside down as there's nothing worth crapping on
  6. 5 points
    It's a shame [INSERT NAME HERE] and Buster had a fall out
  7. 5 points
    Paco guests for Piotr, yet another piss take, he was fit enough to ride Saturday and Sunday but not deemed fit enough to ride tonight, Birmingham are also using Zach Cook as a guest for Sedgy who has concussion, personally I think it's time Brum actually called time on this years Polish experiment and told Pawlicki not to bother coming again.
  8. 5 points
    Comic post of the day. Poole have to build to the rules of the Championship, not Premiership. So of course this current team isn’t good enough for the Premiership. But if we were in the top flight, you can be sure we would be at the pointy end.
  9. 5 points
    I wouldn’t believe a single thing that comes from King’s Lynn, not a single word.
  10. 5 points
    Just thought it was worth saying that last night's action was superb - proper speedway with all riders giving it 100% on a brilliant race track. With the medic assessing Chris after his frightening crash they sensibly brought forward the kids race and it was great to see so many youngsters take part. Maybe they could do that more often and I mean bring the kids race foward not Bomber crash! Special mention to Jack Smith promoted to the difficult no.2 position and young reserve James Pearson who would have had paid 10 but for a bike failure. Loved every minute of it.
  11. 5 points
    So if I am getting this right. Replace Kerr and downgrade with Kemp. Replace Kemp and further downgrade with Killeen. The Oxford manager should be getting a random drug test at their next meeting.
  12. 5 points
    Well done to the Monarchs trust for the £10k donation to the club The trust I believe has donated so much over the years to keep the club afloat.
  13. 4 points
    Absolutely. I started going over to Poland in 2008 to see Ekstraliga matches and went every year up to and including 2019. it was immediately obvious from our very first match at Zielona Gora that speedway was, as you say, just on a different planet there to the UK version. We've taken in several second-tier matches too through the years, and they've been excellent presentations too. As I posted a few posts back, I was at Wroclaw on Friday night after an unintended break away from Poland for 5 years, and, although I've seen just as good - and some better - racing at the NSS, the whole package of attending an Ekstraliga match is an experience to behold. Since getting home, I've watched the match back on TV and, unfortunately, you cannot really get a sense of what it's like to be there in the crowd and watch everything unfold in front of you. To anyone who hasn't been yet - and is physically and financially able to do so - I'd certainy urge them to give it a try.
  14. 4 points
    Musielak has been involved in UK Speedway for a few years now, and has been as good as Gold to more than one club over here. A loyal servant if you like. Until this year. It’s always Lynn isn’t it? The BSPL should do the right thing and allow him to earn a living elsewhere.
  15. 4 points
    Cash presentations from Poole R.E.F. to Vinnie and Richard on Wednesday.
  16. 4 points
    Clearly the obvious thing to do... And also clearly why the sport isn't taken seriously in the UK... Bringing in Lambert to replace Fricke is seen as a "bad thing", yet not having a full team of your own riders, and, instead, cherry picking riders from other teams on a "horses for courses" basis, to give your team a better chance of winning, is "absolutely fine"...
  17. 4 points
    Yet a team can drop a rider at any time with no notice and no financial liability Qutting/withholding services carries a 28 day ban - once served he should be free to ride elsewhere If not every dropped rider should be due a full seasons income for such a binding contract
  18. 4 points
    Surely if the boy Musicylak is with-holding his services to Kings Lynn , he cannot be allowed just to sign up for another club in the same league ? Kings Lynn surely have a contract with the rider for the 2024 season ? If he is allowed to ride for another club surely there should be a transfer fee involved ? For once I support the SCB BSPA BSPL (or whatever they call themselves nowadays) in barring Musicylak from riding in PL for anyone but Kings Lynn. I see the non viable PL is now regularly exposed as the fixed race nights of only Monday and Thursday racing, even with just 7 teams, just means fixture backlogs cannot be recovered. Some years ago I proffered that cancelled meetings should not be re-run. Teams should each be awarded 1 point. Clear incentive to home team to get fixture ON.
  19. 4 points
    Nice one, just shut King's Lynn down then
  20. 4 points
    After a hiatus of 5 years (due to first Covid and then a family illness) I have just returned from my first trip to Poland since 2019. Sat in the main stand of the Olympic Stadium, Wroclaw on Friday night, I realised just how much I had missed the ‘buzz’ of being at an Ekstraliga match!! It was a great experience, very tasty ‘kielbasa w bulce & piwo’ (sausage in a bun and beer) in the fan park pre-match, good racing to watch, a fabulous atmosphere and, overall, a superb way to spend my birthday night. I even had the pleasure of a chat with Dan Bewley whilst getting ready to board the outbound flight last Tuesday. Dan was heading for a practice session in Wroclaw on Wednesday, before heading back to the UK for the Aces match on Thursday, and then back again to Wroclaw for Friday. And, just to say thanks again to Racers and Royals for his advice on the Wroclaw ticketing arrangements when I messaged him a few months ago now. Now back to the NSS for the Aces v Oxford tomorrow night – hopefully some good racing to watch, but maybe not quite the same 13,675 noisy & partisan crowd!!
  21. 4 points
    Rob Godfrey having a whinge about Friday's meeting on BSPL website today. Don't think anyone else would be allowed to openly criticise the referee without sanction. As for the incidents he complains about: 1. Bomber fell on the first bend, most times the referee calls all four back. 2. Jack Smith might have moved but Connor Mountain's helmet touched the tapes. 3. Heat 14 Mountain and Ivacic's bikes locked together on the back straight and they fell on 3rd bend. From the refs box there's no way he can see who's moved in or out but he can assume that Mountain's footrest has stuck in Ivacic's bike. Therefore Mountain is the primary cause of the stoppage. Sour grapes from Godfrey.
  22. 4 points
    With the size of the League it’s Pathetic we’re talking about cut off dates.
  23. 4 points
    I’m a bears fan, and much as I am disappointed we lost, the best team won because they have the ruthless winning mentality,Redcar are too nice, but let’s not kid ourselves, Poole are masters of the dark arts,Foord was declared fit to race in heat 2 rerun until someone had a word in his ear, and how can you declare a tac sub in heat 11 and then just change your mind.!! But teams like Poole,Scunthorpe,Glasgow do this while the meek are left behind.
  24. 4 points
    Away you go… I’m sure we’d have a great crowd if we started cancelling meetings a couple hours before due to the line up changing. Muppet
  25. 3 points
    And this is one of the reasons, the riders think they run the sport and take the piss at times

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