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    • Showing he has a SOH as well! With the exception of his comment about effing off back to Ipswich I dont have a problem with him - i just feel that lacked a bit of class. British Speedway certainly is benefitting from having a lot of the top riders back in my view. He certainly is very decent around Sheffield right now. Your comments about the gates and passing tally with my previous visit which was Leicester in the cup - gate 4 at Foxhall is the new gate 3 at Owlerton!  
    • There's plenty on this forum that target a club of there choice to have a go at  And a few who target any club apart from there favourite
    • I'm flabbergasted that peolple are still referring to GI, by some flying pig miracle, building a new track as "positive news" We don't want these parasites to have any connection to the club whatsoever! Anyone worth their salt would refuse to attend and line that b****** Osborne's pockets and it would be a matter of time before he would be looking to put houses on the new land. If GI are our only option, I would rather we stay mothballed!
    • Of course it’s all about the racing, and the riders.  Bengt Jansson - ‘Benga’ or ‘Banger’ -  was pure class and to think that a Hackney rider was within a ride-off of becoming World Champion frankly beggars belief! He once finished with an end-of-season average of 10.26 - a cool Swede in his yellow leathers. Garry Middleton, a one-off, who never rode harder than the night he won the Golden Helmet at Hackney. Can’t remember who he was against, but he was the underdog, and the fans loved it! Slender little Zenon Plech, a real full-throttle merchant, crazy, mad, frustrating, spectacular, the original Polish wonder kid, who at his best was just amazing round Waterden Road. We enjoyed that he didn’t gate consistently -  he would square off the corners, especially the last bend, and ‘find’ his way through on the inside at great speed. Little Davy Morton and his chequered leathers. Loved gate four at Waterden Road as he would blast round the first and second bend banking and come out in the lead going down the home straight. Our No 8 from Crewe, he came into the side in May at reserve, and by July was beating the Great Dane Ole Olsen not once but twice! Bo Peep - the immaculate and exciting tall Dane Bo Petersen. He could pass at The Wick up the inside, or hanging spectacularly off the side of the bike roaring round the outside - great balance. Unusually for us, he always had the best of equipment thanks to his sponsor Ivan Henry, and one season actually topped the league averages for a long while -  I cannot think of any other Hawk to manage that. He once had to be physically restrained from attacking Danish captain Olsen after Ole had purposely run the young whippersnapper up into the first bend fence! Then there were a few youngsters who had their moments: Un-sung Steve Lomas, resplendent in his green leathers, coming third in the final of a star studded end of season Champions Chase in 1974 and relegating the great Swede Anders Michanek into last place! He had beaten the likes of Terry Betts, Martin Ashby and Simmo in the heats. Dave Kennett, known by the Plough Lane followers as ‘Killer Kennett’, but 'Davy Crockett' to the Hawks faithful, who hugged the white line and woe betide anyone in his way. He had the most scary of crashes early in 1973 when he and the promising Allan Emmett roared through the third bend fence together whilst team riding. Did they lock handlebars? It was a terrifying high speed crash, his bike, which was write-off, flying over the fence, sparks and all.  Although he walked away reportedly with just cuts and bruises,  many felt that he was never quite the same rider after that. The Fireman Geoff Maloney in his black leathers was promoted up from Rayleigh and had a grin as wide as the Blackwall tunnel. Especially the night when he beat Peter Collins, guesting for Wolves, twice on his way to his one and only Hackney maximum.
    • If that's the case it's pretty low!
    • The sort of humour that people with a football mentality, such a Shano101, clearly can't comprehend.
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